01 January, 2010

goodbye 2009

its been nice.













i miss the past, the future scares me, and right now is kind of perfect.

here's to 2010


Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Cute idea!! I may need to steal it :}

I'm with you on being afraid of the future, missing the past and loving the present. But I'm hoping for a good year!

Happy HAPPY New Year!

Anonymous said...

You've got one cute family!!!

andrea said...

I can't believe how much Greta has grown! That was fun to see...

I echo your sentiments 100%--the future scares me (like really, really, REALLY, scares me) and right now is kind of perfect. I'm freaking out that it has to change.

Beck said...

Seriously could you be anymore B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L??!! You look amazing in all those pictures. Especially the one of you and your hubby in October!!

melimba said...

ok, what a cool idea!

and AMEN to what you said about the future, past, and present. AMEN!

here's to 2010 and your cute family!
happy new year!

Pam said...

ADORABLE...and just have some more faith. It's gonna be great. He's in charge. XOXO