02 May, 2011

hop on over to easter.

we had a weekend full of eastering.

full of it.

we started out the weekend at nannie's. my mom was pretty much on her death bed but still managed to put a fabulous little easter egg hunt on for her grand babies. only 5 of her 15 grand babies were present but thankfully, they were some of her cute ones.

nannie helping miss prets.
one of greta's favorite past times includes telling everyone that she "can't walk". turns out she can, she just likes to be babied. some people totally buy into.... okay, we all do.

cutest egg hunter alive.

shmezra was there too. he is edible.

easter sunday started off wonderfully. the sun came out of hiding for a few hours and believe it or not, that darn little egg-laying rabbit made it to our backyard. the kids were THRILLED. i let the kids get their baskets in their jammies but made them wait to go hunting until after breakfast was finished and they were looking presentable for the camera.

{ question: how is the real meaning of easter suppose to compare to the gift giving easter bunny? it's a hard sale. we tried and shall try again and again.}

my adorables.


jude ran from egg to egg with all the excitement that his 5 year old body could contain. to him each egg was a miracle.

little holiday boy.

cute dad, copper topped son, and some sunlight in their eyes.

this year it was yaya's turn for easter. my kids love a little gregory time. disneyland aint got nothing' on yaya's house.

there was a lot of easter loot for 2 little munchkins.

meet cammy... uncle of the year.

moey & ted

me loves this picture, it's a glimpse at my baby jude, not my big brother jude. sometimes i forget that his is not as big as i think he is. that's the problem with your oldest child, you seem to make them older than they really are and when you look back on it you realize they were little the whole time you were thinking they were big.

bubbles = magic

even if the meaning of easter was lost on my kids, it wasn't lost on me.

i am thankful for my Savior.
his life.
his sacrifice.
his resurrection

and because of all of that, i have the chance of living with my sweet easter angels again.

1 comment:

neuroticmom said...

I can't get over how adorable your kids are. Ezra has got to be the most beautiful baby ever!