28 May, 2011

tail between my legs.

everything i said i knew about potty training????

yeah, i was wrong.

i hate this part


Pam said...

Hang in there....there is no turning back and she is a very smart cookie!! Patience, little Mama! XO

Anonymous said...

That I why I just ignore potty training!! :)

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Ugh - potty training is NOT fun! I started... then stopped... then started again... then partly potty trained. Blah! But now we're done - and it wasn't until I really buckled down, and was determined to stick with it, that it was finally successful! But yes... no fun :[

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

Oh oh it's magic!

Lucky to be the mom said...

THAT is exactly why i refused to potty train any of my kids...is that horrible!??!!?
They're all grown now, and all potty trained and all sleep through the night.