18 June, 2011

the bee's knees

the salt lake bee's games are some good times.

really, they are one of the best parts of salt lake summers. this year is the first year we have been lawn dwellers(3kids).... and umm we have been missing out. so.much.fun. our first bee's game of the season we were joined by brooke and dustin, mark and tiffani, trevan's BFF blake, and some really hot lesbians who felt it prudent to make sweet love through out the whole game. (no offense to the lesbians, but anyone making sexuals in front of my children i feel is entirely inappropriate....)

senor & ezzie

snow cone love.

miss lucy bug was entertainment in herself.

kids. kids. kids.

mark, tiffi, and dustbin delavega

blake and trevan may have been the only real spectators in our group.... who goes to baseball games for baseball? ummm, the food?!?!? duh.

shmez and luce.... (she would be the best big sister... lol)

jude waited for the bee to make it to the grass lands ALL.GAME.LONG... once buzzy made it around the 3rd base line you can be sure we were ready with our camera.

bless our hearts.

one the main reasons we went to the game on that particular night was because of the fireworks. the kids were so excited about them, and so were we until the game went 4 extra innings. we tried to leave seeing as it was 11pm but we were shut down by jude's screams. it's okay though, because in the end we were all glad we stayed.

ezzie's first fireworks... stunned.



awe struck.

the end...

wait! we saw this man-dime at the game too.
we love bad doggy aka brennan.


Codi said...

Jealous. I hope you're planning on another game soon.

Oh and thanks for watching Luce. Blake said she was more interested in hanging with the adults (surprise) so I'm sure you had 4 kids that night.

I need some Ezra snuggles - he is yum-my. And I promise I won't even drop him.

Darcie said...

What? No pictures of the host lesbians? :(

Pam said...

SO MUCH FUN!!! We must do this again so I can join in the fun. My favorite is Ezzie's reaction to the fireworks. Priceless!! XO