03 October, 2011


*i'm behind a bit on blogging so today, we are starting here.

every september i am reminded of how much i really love truly this month....

the brisk mornings, the warm afternoon, and the cool evenings,
the newness of school,
the bright green grass and the changing of the leaves,
the new season of tv shows,
the smell of autumn in the air ,
the state fair (more on that later) ,
and it will ALWAYS remind me of the month 9 years ago that i met my trevan and the night our future began.

september, you're heaven.

this september lent itself to lots of backyard playtime with my 3 kids.
judakins, almost 6 (inconceivable!) and still a little boy.

my shadow and best friend,
miss greta pamela.

our 7 month boy wonder

those darn little people and there adorable helping hands will NEVER go out of style at my house.

  for the record... i love little people and aaron neville.

we still are virgins to video games in these parts so jude's imagination runs wild and he loves to play... but his birthday wishlist includes a nintendo DS so we are enjoying our last month of video game freedom. it's a necessary evil, right?

gretsie's little tongue is always out during times of concentration.

ezra... ugh.
i love him so so much.
and no, you cannot have him.

dear september, 
call or text me. anytime, day or night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mutual admiration for September here...minus my getting a year older. And mutual admiration for those three adorable babies of yours!! XOXO