06 December, 2011

happy beginnings and joyful endings.

 while most people are busy christmasing this time of year, we have been busy with life changes here on carnation drive.

the beginning of the tooth fairy business

jude lost his first tooth!

yes, that tooth... the same one he popped through 6 years ago. SOB
( was he the cutest? yes. )

 the little nubbin of a tooth had been loose for a few months and on sunday he told us it was ready to come out. i felt it, and it didn't seem like it was ready to me but we tugged and pulled anyway.  jude was surprisingly tough about trying to pull it out but i was right, it was not ready. in true jude form he was bound and determined to get that tooth out, he told me he saw on arthur that if he ate an apple it would come out and 5 minutes later...

...his tooth was in his hand. 
* his creeper nails were promptly cut upon further viewing of this picture.

 and now we get to spend the next 10 (at least) years or so watching our kids teeth fall out only to be replaced by giant, and in all likelihood crooked, man teeth. i am not so sure i am as excited about it as jude, but its hard to get as excited about anything with the same fervor that jude does.

after 3 1/2 years, our miracle girl graduated from physical therapy.

you know the one they say said my never walk?
the one they told me would die an very painful and early death...
the same girl that didn't crawl until 15 months or walk until 27 months...
the angel baby that melted in my arms because she had no muscle strength...
the baby who had to be taught how to eat...
 the girl who couldn't hold her own head up until she was 5 months old...
the one who shook all the time...
the princess that has stolen everyone's heart...

yes, her.... this miracle girl.

she jumps, she dances and dances and dances, she scuttles, she runs, she climbs... she does it all. 

 i know that greta would not be as far along as she is right now if it wasn't for her physical therapists hard work and knowledge the passed on to me. it was work on all of our parts... but mostly on sweet greta. she did this, with the help of her wonderful p.t's.

you've come a long way baby.
2 therapists down and 1 to go.

i told you, life changing news... for us.


brooke c jackson said...

well my girls now are constantly pulling on their teeth feeling they need to follow in jude's steps.. immediately.

and i'm glad the fingernail situation was mentioned...
sere... i was scrolling down to comment and then saw your sidenotes.
tee hee
sisters in zion

Whitney said...

Everyone's heart.

Giant teeth. We're in that stage too. Front ones.

Holy crap. Your kids are cute.

Rebecca said...

Ella will be so jealous of Jude. She wants to lose a tooth majorly. But those giant teeth that come in cause one ugly phase for kids. Holy crap Jude was a cute baby. I forgot! And Greta.....I am so proud of her. Way to go. Next a picture of Ez please

DibWoman said...

Love your blog. Love your family. Miss you all.

Miss Bear said...

This post made me smile!!!
What a fabulous family you have!

Pam said...

Couldn't be more proud of all of you!!! Life changes indeed....sighing right along with you. :) XOXO

Eileen said...

I always love reading your blog! Such cite kiddos!!

Eileen said...

I meant cute, cute kids!!