21 April, 2007

tubby time @ grammie's

does jude love tubby time? yes, hims does! i know, most babies/kids love them but jude sure seems to enjoy bath time a heck of a lot. he throws a tantrum when he has to get out by laying down in the tub and kicking and screaming until all the water is out of the tub. sometimes he is good and just fusses about getting out but most of the time he is pretty upset. both my mom and trevan's mom love to give him baths. while at grammie's lately landon has been getting in wearing boxers with him. this is pure heaven for jude because not only is it one of his favorite past times he gets to be with his favorite person, yanyan (aka landon). jude thinks yanyan is the cats pajamas!

1 comment:

Bob said...

How old is Landon now? 15? I think I need to make a couple of phone calls....