as i have mentioned
before that trevan's uncle larry is the fire chief of farmington city. jude, being the 2 year old boy that he is, happens to love firetrucks so we went to go visit the firehouse. the last time we went to see the chief and his trucks jude was not as big of a fan. well things have changed my friend.

jude was so excited to be there (almost as much as larry was to show off his station). he got to sit in all the trucks and ambulances. even if he was a little nervous/scared he throughly enjoyed himself.

trevan loves to go up to farmington as much as jude does. i mean what little boy doesn't want to be a fireman at one point? i think firemen are just grown up 2 year olds. plus, we have a unique situation with a family member being a fire chief and need to to advantage of it. also, we got to stop by trev's cousin spenc's firehouse. that's right, larry's son is a fireman too (more a paramedic/engineer). we got a 2-fer today!

don't you even try to take away his fireman pencil, hat, badge, or bracelet.

terrible picture of everyone involved but it was such a good day. it was so fun to be a little family and go on an adventure. i figure we need to do things just the 3 of us while we can. it aint going to last long. poor jude, has no idea what is coming.
Did you really post this at 1:24AM???? So I take it Sissy is keeping you from sleeping! Looks like a great time was had by all!
Oh these pictures are so adoreable and the park pictures amazing your camera takes awsome pictures. I love the one with him in the little black truck. i love Jude. I tried to call you is little nameless on her way yet? I can't wait to see her. Let's do stuff if you feel up to it.
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