one of robyn's best friends andrea sent me this little baby lulu number for gigi and it may be the end of me. oh my goodness. i knew about baby lulu before i had greta but never did i imagine how amazing it would be on my daughter. andrea may dress her kids better than anyone i know, her daughter piper is what greta aspires to dress like. trevan is getting another job as we speak to start paying for greta's wardrobe. a dangerous introduction indeed mrs. reid.
OH my gosh. That is so super cute. And Greta is just beautiful. Do you just love having a girl!?
HOLY ADORABLE!!!!! I love this outfit and I L-O-V-E Miss Greta. She is bound for stardom!
Oh me Oh my is right and No I cAN NOT handle it. wow fill me in I've got girls. By the way she is beautiful and even better in real life.
I can't stand it anymore - I have to see her! That outfit is to die for!
Tell me you will be around for a couple of minutes on Saturday! I want to meet this little one!!!! I LOVE that outfit, bright colors look amazing on her! :)
...the clothes are cute, but it is the little doll in them that makes them adorable. I can't get enough of her. hopefully I will have a girl next...and I will take your hand me downs :)
You only wish you were the chick on Bunnytown........
I love her! Can I come over next week? Plllleeeeaaaase???
i feel like i can never see her wear anything else again.
this outfit would only be better if minie was by her side matching... and then that would just almost be too much amzingness for anyone to take in...
Yeah gigi is amazing! She already looks bigger to me. I can't wait to get my arms on her again. Andrea might be the nicest person I know! She also has the best taste in clothing that I know. Arent'we glad we know her!
Mrs. Reid??? OK...that was really funny. I am so happy you are feeling the love. Little Gigi would look beautiful in a paper bag but you know...clothes are one of those things that I just can't resist. She is perfect in every way. You deserve her!
Cutest little thing on earth! The outfit is not bad either. That is seriously the cutest matching hat. I need you to come down and visit your mom so that I can come over and meet Greta. Jax is now a hefer so, I need to get my paws on a sweet little tiny thing again.
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