love sundays at my mom's. today we went on a walk to my favorite childhood playground "adventure land park" (actual name). it used to be really cool with mazes, a pond, tons of trails, a brail nature walk, and a unique play place. a few years ago the city bought it from the state developmental center and it's turned to crap! holy cow it was white trash city over there. just imagine a 500 lb bald man pulled up right next to the fishing pond in a 1984 beat up mini van wearing a torn up t-shirt and suspenders with a dog on a leash in one hand and a fishing pole in the other. that is what we saw along with some other disgusting people. i won't be making a trip back there anytime soon! it was nice to be outside however!

jude trying to feed the ducks at the pond. turns out even the ducks are disgusted and have left the premises.

i kidnapped minie and did her hair for her. she looks great with a little round brushing! greta beware!

thank you dad

my kiddies
There are just so many tings to say about this post...where do I begin?
#1 Brooke the first picture....taking one for the team.
#2 Minie as Syndromett! (love the round brushing)
#3 Dad's fake surprised happy look that you can imitate so well.
#4 how freaking cute your kids are!
yes yes.. i am taking on for the team most of the time these days. so i was little mangy... what's the prob?!?
Whatever supermodel. I really do like your hair color. You, your ma, and Brooke look alike with the new locks. And Trevan looks oh so good in spandex.
Let's see the sunshine through the clouds here: At least the 500 pound bald man had the decency to put his dog on a leash. You're cute Kennan.
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