lagoon brings back so many memories from my childhood. my favorite being when i went with rebecca the summer before my 7th grade year. i guess that the grunge look was really in and i was donning my favorite hair do of the time (earlobe length and straight down the middle) and looked just like a boy. rebecca and i were walking around thinking we were HOT stuff and some girl came up to us and asked if i had a girlfriend. cute rebecca tried to tell me they were talking to her but her long thick blonde hair surely made her more girlie even if we were wearing the same grunge unisex look..... i was mortified but still laugh about to this day. i wish i had a scanner to document such things, you would all be jealous.
ANYWAY, lagoon did not disappoint. jude LOVED it and is still talking about it a week later. he keeps singing "puff the magic dragon" in reference to his favorite ride there, puff. we went with the gregory's, trevan's uncle scott and cousin chelsie. so much fun. we are totally going back for frightmares in october (no line butting this time dustin).
Don't worry...that totally happens to me sometimes! When the blogging world meets real world...it should be a reality TV show! :)
I love Lagoon, no matter how gum soaked it gets! :)
Sad...I don't think I had a summer! You guys had a lot of fun without me :( Can't believe I missed that happy face while he was riding and the cuddling Gretsie while it all happened. Maybe next year....XOXO
P.S. Where are you and why aren't you at my house????
Kennan - I need a new camera, and your pictures all look really good - what camera do you have? Thanks!
latina stranger? OMG...totally cracking up. You're a funny one.
Looks like fun. I remeber those rides, good times. I was wondering what kind of camera you guys have, it takes the best pictures, and I've been looking for a new camera, please share. Of course, it's probably just the photographer.
Ok, with the blog person, I've TOTALLY done that before and it is NOT ok. Leslie has done it twice. We all need more to do.
I LOVE that you finally got to meet a blogger face-to-face. I mean, of course you didn't actually speak to them, but that is like the funniest thing I have ever heard. There is nothing better than Lagoon. WIfe beaters, Juncos, ahhh....
I LOVE that you finally got to meet a blogger face-to-face. I mean, of course you didn't actually speak to them, but that is like the funniest thing I have ever heard. There is nothing better than Lagoon. WIfe beaters, Juncos, ahhh....
Kennan you KNOW that they though I was the boy I was totally manlier than you were. It's Ok at least we had eachother. I personally liked looking like the singer from Extreme.
And your kids look beautiful in all your pictures. did JUde go on the tidal Wave? He is crazy!
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