we went up the canyon the other night with some of my besties from high school and after we left i realized that we forgot to tell jude that jeremy (lindsey's hubby) was a cop. we talked about it on they way home and all jude could talk about was "germy" the policeman the rest of the night. so lindsey and i set up a date for the next day for jude to go visit germy and go for a ride in his police car. jude insisted on wearing his firetruck shirt(firemen and policemen go hand and hand for a 2 year old) and bringing his gun. jude loved every second of our evening at the christensens.

this is jeremy & lindsey standing in front of their
amazing house. we all left with house envy. i let them borrow greta for the picture so they could see how much better they look with kid(s). love them. could we please get together more often?

jer, trev, and jude ready to take down the thugs of orem!

i couldn't leave out jude's shooting face...
1 comment:
Jude is the ultimate hero worshipper! I love his shooting face and yes...Lindsey does look good with kids. XOXO
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