no, i have not had a baby yet. seems that sissy loves my uterus too much. (can you blame her?) was in the hospital on friday but they sent my none progressing butt home. i had a doctor's appointment today and we scheduled an induction for wednesday the 2nd. there is an end in sight! we are a little limited with the induction because we are trying for a VBAC but we are hopeful. the next time i update i better have a baby in my arms! wish us luck!
31 March, 2008
23 March, 2008
hoppy easter 08'
22 March, 2008
nannie's easter egg hunt
21 March, 2008
the dying of the eggs
i had already bought easter egg dye so we decided that after dinner we would dye the eggs at yaya's. isn't it great that as your kids get older they actually are excited about holidays and understand things? well, i think it is. jude loved dying the eggs. he was sure to dye one for everyone in our family, sissy included (that is if she ever gets here).
15 March, 2008
all boys love firetrucks
13 March, 2008
some fresh air
(and no he is not down syndrome as this picture would suggest. also, he does have feet)
11 March, 2008
10 March, 2008
go sissy go!
had my first "up close & personal" appointment today with dr. parker. best news ever, i am dilated to a 2 and 40% effaced!!!!! this is huge for me because i never repeat NEVER dilated or did any effacement on my own with judakins. when i was induced at 39 weeks because of toxemia my body was no where near ready to deliver. needless to say, me so happy! maybe one day this pregnancy will be over. i do however realize that i could stay like this (at a 2) for 10 more weeks so i am trying not to get my hopes up too much. this also is great news for me trying to have a natural birth instead of c-section like jude. go sissy go!
p.s. and no we still have no name for her and are considering not naming her its way oo frustrating.
2 p.s. gained 8 lbs in 2 weeks, pre-toxemia signs.... wonderful. i am beginning to fill up like a water balloon yet again.
p.s. and no we still have no name for her and are considering not naming her its way oo frustrating.
2 p.s. gained 8 lbs in 2 weeks, pre-toxemia signs.... wonderful. i am beginning to fill up like a water balloon yet again.
06 March, 2008
my name is kennan and i am a mother bear

"eeew, did you see that ugly boy down there?"
"he had blood all over his chin!"
"he is so gross!"
"lets go see him."
now normally i would have ignored it because they are just kids and they don't understand but these little brats slid down the slide, ran over to my innocent jude (waving out the window to his dad) and shoved him and said "hey!". i could not take another second. i got my fat pregnant butt off the bench and waddled over there and gave those girls a stern talking to. something along the lines of "you leave him alone! he is just a little boy with and ouchey and he is not bothering anyone! you leave him alone, right now!" i think i scared the girls because the left to go find their mothers (which p.s. thanks for leaving your children unattended!). jude was oblivious but i hate to think what would have happened to him had i not been there. he is not stupid, he would have know what they were saying. my poor sweet boy was just minding his own business enjoying his time in his 2 year old world.
i let him play a little bit longer until trevan was seated. once i sat down at the table i started sobbing. i cried through out dinner which concerned jude but i couldn't control it. it was the first time he was openly targeted because of his birthmark. i have been afraid of this since the first second i saw his shining face. i just didn't think it would come so soon, he is only 2. granted his face really only looks bad and noticeable when he has had his treatments but still, it was too much to handle.
trevan played it cool but you could tell his was furious. he was ready to kick some, excuse me, ass. once we got home and jude was asleep i went upstairs to find trevan silently crying laying next to jude as he slept. he kept asking me the same questions i ask everyday "why him, why our sweet jude? he is such a good boy.". there is no answer.
i don't know what we will do in the future. i mean the very next day at mcdonalds with yaya some little kids were pointing at him and laughing, very openly. sometimes i wonder "where are you mother's and didn't they teach you manners?" but i know i cannot blame them. they are just children, and kids will be kids. i just don't know what i should do about my jude. how do i protect him? i know i can't. i know that the lord gave jude this birthmark for a reason and that we need to learn from it, but it doesn't make it any easier. i never thought i would be the mother bear type of mom but what do you do? he is my heart and my soul and he is innocent. he has no control over it. just leave him alone! we get looks all the time when he has his surgeries and when its acting up. and don't think kids are the only ones who say things, adults are ignorant and stupid too. jude understands when someone says "ewww, what happened to his face?".
i cannot talk about it anymore. it makes me cry and it makes me sad. i don't need to be sad at this time in my life. i am very blessed. also, i need to instill self confidence in my son and not dwell on the negative. just thought i would vent.
04 March, 2008
just like that.....sigh
all and all jude has done great with the change. he goes to bed all by himself (after stories) and stays in bed all night. he gets up earlier but oh well. the best news is he still takes naps everyday even in his big bed for at least 2 hours and that means mommie gets a nap too! he is my hero!
01 March, 2008
A Baby Shower for Taren
me, lindsey, jana, nicole, taren, and rebecca
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