i am not having a pity party, just documenting. this is the truth and nothing but the truth. i happen to love my life but i can hate some of the circumstances.
apparently someone wasn't listening when i said that i was done......
yesterday had us at primary children's hospital for some more tests for pretsie. on the bill for the day was supposed to just be a EMG/nerve conduction study with sedation. after meeting with the neurologist performing the test i was informed that this test requires general anesthesia and that she would also like to preform a lumbar puncture (LP)/spinal tap. i agreed to both seeing as i would like some sort of answer as to what's going on my daughter. luckily, greta had fasted for the sedation so GA would be no problem. being a seasoned player in the GA game (13th time was not the charm) i felt pretty sure everything would be fine.
after greta's procedures were finished her dr. came to let us know that everything went according to planned and that the EMG looked totally normal and that we would have the results from the LP in 4-6 weeks. she then showed us to the recovery room where
nannie and i could be with grets. as soon as i walked in i knew something was off. the nurse was holding greta, not normal. what proceeded to happened is long and traumatic but needless to say things did not go according to planned on the GA side of things. apparently greta was in a significant amount of pain during the procedure and bore down so much that she had petechia all over her face. greta also had an allergic reaction the fentanyl (a pain medication given to her through her IV during the procedure for the LP) and her face swell to the point that she could not open her eyes. and to top it all off greta had a very hard time when waking up because she was not breathing, oygenating, to be precise. her saturation levels were in the high 70's/low 80's and should be not go lower than 90. after about 3 hours trying to get her to breath on her own, the swelling in her face to decrease, and explain the petechia she was admitted to the hospital.
poor grets was miserable. i kept saying "this is not my baby". she did not even look like herself, ask nan. after a good dose of benedryl and some suctioning of her lungs she finally started to feel a little better. the doctor's took a sample of mucous from her lungs and ran labs on it because they were "sure" she had RSV. greta was all hooked up to machines and just wanted to be held. a few hours of being monitored greta was slowly taken of oxygen and her sat levels were great. the doctor gave her a strong dose of IV antibiotics and also a steroid to help with her crazy allergic reaction and greta responded well. thankfully, they sent us home after about 12 hours of being at the hospital. trev and i were so glad to take our spotted chipmunk'd face girl home and get her out of that wretched place. nothing is "routine" it seems for us.
greta woke up today a little less swollen, super "rattly", and very congested. we met with dr. cramer today and the test results came back negative for RSV but positive for parainfluenza type 3, a rare upper respiratory virus that is a mix of croup, bronchitis, and pneumonia. GREAT! so we are home with a sick baby that probably has spread this to all of her cousins (or extracted from). she looks better tonight but the petichia are still in full force. i think the antibiotic is working because she perked up tonight a bit. needless to say i cancelled jude's PWS surgery for tomorrow until i can get my gretsie well and be able to emotionally handle my child going under GA again. like i said, i am SO done! i am however thrilled that her EMG came back normal, that is good news.

Are you serious!! You sounded so calm on the phone when I talked to you yesterday. I feel terrible about greta. Will you please call me if you need something. I know you have your family, but I just live 5 houses away from you. (That's right, I counted!) I hope that you can be at church on Sunday because we're blessing Mylee and you guys are invited over for food afterwards at my parents.
tulips without me and the girls??
i'm crying
i think you mean, and so depressing
I'm so sorry all this stuff keeps happening to your family! Ditto what Heather said, I know you have wonderful family close, but really if you need anything...
My thoughts and prayers are with you. You are a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. Keep your head up. You are an incredible mother-it is obvious in the way you talk about your kids. You are doing such a great job.
A big hug to the Gregory family, you are so strong and those babies are so lucky to have such a great mommy.. See you on the weekend of May 1st..
Kennan - I've only posted once but read often! You are pretty amazing and have such strength. Thanks for all of the honesty, I think it's hard to find in this blogg-y world sometimes. You're family is so sweet...prayers for Greta.
I heart you. You are amazing. I am just saying.
This little girl provides endless entertainment (like a roller coaster ride!) You cope with it all like a champ and there's nothing like a few pretty tulips to soften the blow. P.S. What exactly went on in that surgical room??? XOXOXO
Oh my gosh! Poor little thing. I am so sorry. What a rough day at the hospital. I am so glad that everything turned out alright for the little chipmuck!
Hey Kennan. this is Meg from forever ago, whose son has Ocular Motor Apraxia. I'm glad all the tests came back normal, despite the crazy GA complications! It gets so dang emotional. I am still going to be the believer in the corner of blog world that Gretta will walk and crawl, just late like Benson (he started walking this month, at 26 months, a year after crawling). If everything keeps coming back normal, except that she does have those vision issues, then maybe that really is all their is. Have I mentioned that Benson is way moer shaky in general than anyone I've ever seen? For him, its all teh OMA! Let's hope that is all it is for yours!
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