its hard being taylor swift's biggest fan.
being brooke's sister and her being dustin's wife sure makes it a lot easier. how nice is dustin for getting her tickets for mothers day? how nice is brooke for taking me? the nicest.
last night brooke and i enjoyed taylor's concert from a 15 feet away.....
yes.... we were that close.
taylor swift is totally adorable and put on an amazing show. i cannot believe that this girl is only 19.... she is incredible.

she plays the guitar like a mad woman.

we were so close we touched her when she walked by...... and then it got me thinking, i think i am a little old to be as big of a fan as i am. its a little embarrassing. the crowd was mostly 13-18 year olds and brooke and i decided that after we first rushed the stage that maybe we should sit back and let the kids enjoy themselves. we may have fit in better had we brought our daughters.....
we did however THOROUGHLY enjoy ourselves and are so glad that we could be her #1 fans in the young mom category. when we slipped into that category i don't know. i thought i was still young. oh well, we sung along better than most of her younger fans. we are so much cooler and knew more words to songs. so there!

singing "love story" she looked so lovely herself.
taylor we love you!
thanks again brookie for taking me.... taylor's biggest fan.
aw guess who is SO JEALOUS?!!! sounds amazing wish i could of been there!!
oh from miranda jane hehe
Seriously, if you were too old I guess it's good I wasn't there! Still L-O-V-E her! XO
old??? You two???? No Way... Old is like when you're 30!:)
I still think you could be her agent. You sold me on her :) I'm glad you had a great time...too old, you're barely 2! And Brookie...hadn't been thought of the last I saw your family in living color :) JK, never let your age hold you back :)
And since Aubrey (above) said old is like's a good thing I just listen to her on line! 30 is great, 40 is better, we're coming up real close to 50...gets better and better! Sorry Aubrey, you're just flat wrong!
I am glad I am wrong...since I am almost 30!:) I am glad to hear it only gets better from there!:)
Oh the jealousy is oozing. I thought about her concert that day and wished I was there.
Enough of Tay-tay already! Update, Sista...
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