today my greta is 18 months.

i literally never thought this day would come. i think every mother feels this way at every milestone with their children, they don't think that those times will ever come but they always do. i cannot believe gretsie is 18 months, i cannot beleive jude is nearly 4, and i certainly cannot believe that i am their mother. i am lucky to be a mother, especially theirs.
dear greta,
i am elated. you, greta, are a sheer joy. i never, ever want to take being your mommie for granted. in your short 18 months you have been through a lot, more than anyone should ever have to go through. you are so brave. you are so beautiful. you are so happy. you are a miracle.
at 18 months you are so smart. you are not a talker quite yet and they say its because of your decreased muscle tone that effects even your mouth, but you understand everything. you can do simple signs to indicate what you want or feel (more, eat, drink, and thank you). believe me sweet baby you know exactly what is going on around you. you interact with us and are a part of all of our conversations. you think you are a big girl (silly girl, you are my baby you can't be a big girl yet). you are exactly where you are suppose to be emotionally, socially, and cognitively.... if not even a bit advanced. you still struggle with some gross motor development and are a bit delayed in speech but to me you are perfect... because you are perfect grets. you get around by crawling and climbing wherever you want to go, and if you can't physically do something you sure know how to let people know that you need help. you want to walk SO badly and you are getting there. its so cute when we put you down and you flex your little legs so you can stand and practice walking. you are one determined little girl. you are a dancer. from a very young age you started jiving. yaya likes to say you hear music in your head and dance to your own music. when any sort of song comes on you have the coordinating dance moves on the first note and its beyond amazing. eating is your favorite hobby and you are really good at it. you hear food and you start grabbing for it. no one can sneak a snack by you without having to share. you are a little peanut with a big appetite.
greta you love your brother to pieces and love to do whatever he is doing (in spite of him). you have wised up to his antics and are now putting up a fight for the things you want. although i strongly discourage any sort of biting or hitting, its kind of adorable/hilarious when you do it. you have us all wrapped around your little finger. no one can resist your sweetness. you are still snugly and it makes me warm and cozy all over. you still prefer me over anyone else but your daddie is an extremely close second. all you have to do is tuck your head to your shoulder and bat those eyes like you do and your wish is his command. you love to flirt with all men and are upset when people don't notice you. don't you worry my angel, you will always be noticed, you are extraordinary.
greta thank you for being here. thank you for fighting. thank you for choosing us, for choosing me. i love you endlessly. i never knew i could love a daughter they way i love you. i never knew....
happy 18 month birthday!
forever and always,
i am such a baby...crying like a baby at how much you love your kids. you are so wonderful to them...they are so lucky to have you
Oh, she is a precious cute one!
Too delicious for words! And thank you for bringing her to us all...XOXO
Beautiful girl! You have a gift to express the sweetest and the challenges of your life so well.
Is that the Kennan squared outfit? I think so.... her getting so cute I am so sad we missed you by a hair this week! We def missed your craziness in Jackson and Nate and I would have been honored to share a bed with your fam
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