jude is 4 today....

... and what a handsome 4 year old he makes.

as we close the door on three i can't help but feel a little sad. turning 4 seems like a big milestone for us, jude is no longer my baby.
dear jude,
i love you, especially today, my sweet boy. today you are mine. i cannot believe you are 4 but at the same time it seems you have been mine forever. you are my first born, my son. we have learned so much in our 4 years together and we will continue to learn and love and make mistakes. you have been through so much in your 4 short years. you have grown from my baby to my boy. it has been a trying year for us, we have both cried a lot. please forgive me for my lack of mothering skills and continue to love me for who i am because i love you to the moon.
i want you to stay a little boy forever, just like i wanted you to stay a baby forever. i know its impossible and that you must grow but it breaks my heart to see it happen. i guess i just didn't know it would happen so fast. there are still a few things that keep you my baby and i cherish each and every one. i love that you still love your silky. i love that you still sleep with your favorite toys. i love you still prefer me, always. i love your innocence. i love that you adore your sister and really think she is a princess. i love your passion for whatever you are into at the moment. i love your inquisitive nature (even if it does drive me crazy from time to time). i want you to know i love you jude, just the way you are.
my sweet jude, you are chosen, you are loved, and you are perfect. thank you for choosing us. i love you, forever.
happy 4th birthday
Happy Birthday Jude! Hope you have a most fabulous day!!
Happy birthday to my most favorite boy ever!!
I love Jude forever. Happy birthday (not so) baby boy
That was from me
So handsome, so lovable, so clever, so intense (about everything boy), soooo smart, so funny, so good at coloring, so artistic, SO JUDE!!! So glad I'm your Grandma. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, little Buddy. Hope it is GRAND! XOXOXO
i love his blue eyes! happy birthday to my bfs little boy JUDE.
Happy Birthday little man! We sure love you at this house. You were the sweetest little button nose baby I have ever seen. Love you!
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