so its christmas shopping time and i am up against an issue i thought i had figured out before i had kids. the issue being video games. i am kind of anti-video games, i say kind of because i do have a strong love for all things mario and the video game aladdin on sega genesis circa 1994. i also have been known to through a beat down on anyone on the original tony hawk on nintendo 64, i will admit i am good at video games. that being said trevan and i both decided early on we would not be a video game family. my brothers (the sweet souls that they are) are big gamers, not so much video gamers as they are computer gamers. growing up our house was the location for many a dungeon and dragon parties which turned into LAN parties as technology improved and i am pretty sure my brother brad still frequents them. its a fine hobby and all but not one i am in favor of. its a little nerdy for my taste and i think my brother brad knows i feel ("mark, i need more potions!") and would not be offended by me saying so. needless to say before now we were anti-gaming systems.
the problem is the fact that jude is kind of technologically (is that a word?) minded. not to pat my own back but i think he gets it from me. growing up i was always the one fixing things the TV, computer, or stereo system. my dad still calls me to figure things out for him. i just get those type of things, always have. anyway, jude is the same way. he likes electronics and has figured out in his 4 short years how to use the computer. he knows how to search the internet by clicking on familiar looking words, he knows how to turn the volume up and down, how to close windows, and open up the correct programs. its kind of amazing. his favorite thing is to play video games on the computer(nickjr.com, pbskids.com, and his newest obsession northpole.com). jude needs no help with most of the games and browses those websites like a seasoned internet explorer and its a problem. i am afraid that while he is on the internet he is going to stumble onto something he shouldn't see or he will ruin or delete something on our computer and most of all i am sick of him hogging up my blogging time.... really.
so for christmas i was thinking of getting him some sort of "learning" video game system. the problem is that they are like $70 and each games is like $25-30. for that money i may as well by a wii so i can enjoy it too (rock band, mario party? please.). but on the other hand i don't want open that can of worms yet. does he really need that stimulation? probably not but he really wants to be playing interactive games, things that help him learn. is he going to become obsessed and an introvert? i am scared. i don't know what to do. if i do get him a video game system what do i get? a leapster, a vmotion, a wii? i just don't know, i don't know i feel. we live in this generation where technology is everything and you cannot avoid it. am i doing him a disservice by not letting him join in? who knows he may be the next steve jobs..... or the creepy serial killer that as a child only played video games. i am baffled.
what are your experiences? what would you do? what would you buy? i need some advice.
Dont buy the leapfrog or Vtech video game systems. They are built cheaply and a piece of crap. They break. Or stop working. Just dont.
I want to get Jack the Computer Cool School. Have you seen it?? I bet Jude would love it! I think it's like $45 at Walmart.
You know my opinion....Stay away from the wii and other big game units as long as you can. Know matter how techenologically savvy he is, he will get REALLY fruastrated and will want you to help him ALL the time. But knowing you, you might like that. Say what you will, you love yourself a little game-ing too. (Aladdin) Give it another year or two, I promise, I know...have you met my boys? A world filled with all Mario and Pokemon gets a little old.
Go the leapster route, it is a great place to start. Very educational. Gwyn has had hers for two years and she loves to play it.
I don't have any suggestions, but I am thinking ahead to when this becomes an issue at our house. With two boys, I know it's only a matter of time. Good luck.
Advice from a NON-techy who is a generation behind this whole dilemma...moderation in all things. You are the parent and YOU set the limits...so buy what you think YOU can control. For what it's worth.
I know a mom that would make her kids do an activity outside like riding a bike or get on a treadmill to earn time on the video games. As much time as they would put into being active they would earn time for the video games. You could do something like that with jobs around the house or reading books. My husband and I have a wii and we love it!! Mario Cart is soooo fun. We also have wii fit and that is really fun to play. It is all kinds of games but you can work up a sweat doing them. I like wii best because most games require you to actually move and be active.
This is actually your brother Brad. I think you should wait, and download k9 protection if you are worried about him stumbling into the wrong place. Also, you need to throw your cousins Mark & Chris under the bus along with me and Bryce, and don't forget your obsession with the sims.
bottom line.
where is that boy in the photo, and when is he proposing to minie?
i need those genetics.
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