20 December, 2009

williams family party 09

this party is never, ever a disappointment. here are the reasons why:

a. the live nativity
b. the queens story teller
c. my dad's family

below are my 2 grandmothers. they share 6 grandchildren and 13+ great-grandchildren. billie and johnnie belle have been in laws for 36 years and have a lot in common, they both raised their combined 12 children in windy cheyenne, they outlived their spouses, they are very passionate... jb loves the gospel and billie loves playing golf (so much so she lives in phoenix away from all of her children, just so she can golf year round), and they are both incredibly strong women. i am lucky to have these women still in my life, they are me.
grandma billie (she and trevan are bff's.)

grandma johnnie belle

miss prets is working very hard on walking

trevan brought up a good point about these two. does tiffani sit on marks lap even at their own home? no one knows.... but after 2 years of marriage they are still lovebirds.

the queens storyteller (i.e. lee)

this year he brought us a story about the elves and santa's magic boots. he has a very captive audience, as always. after the performance jude kept telling lee "that was a great story!". lee's costumes alone will keep the little ones entertained through out the story.

my aunties.... holley and terri

jude has been looking forward to the nativity scene for weeks. because brooke, my mom, and i are in charge of the production we have first dibs on roles. jude decided early on he would be joseph and his bestie minie would be his bride mary. he was SO excited and told people for days that he was going to be in joseph in the baby jesus concert. hilarious... baby jesus concert, i am still laughing about it.
joseph and his pregnant (2 year old) bride mary.

greta was an angel but her costume was thrown together last minute because her giant head would not fit in the lamb costume. i know, i know, somehow she managed to make even this outfit look gorge.

cutest thing ever.

until next year.....


Anonymous said...

I kinda want to be invited to hear Lee's story!! Everyone looks so entertained!! And Jude and Minie - amazing!!

Anonymous said...

Aw man. Seeing lee like that brings back so many good times. I used to adore lee and his stories, i cant belive we missed it again!! But it looks like you guys had a good old time. tell the kiddies hi and merry christmas!!!

<3 Mira

Pam said...

STOP!!! Your pictures puts my blog to shame. :( Gorgeous....all the way around! XO

Rebecca said...

Why haven't I been invited to one of these. I am pretty much family. I need to hear your uncle's story. He looks like the great entertainment. Jude and Minie made a perfect Mary and Joseph.

Cameron said...

The look on Minie's face is like "I got knocked up and I can't believe that this is happening to me" kind of dazed and confused. Perfect!