27 May, 2010

the decoder

that is the name of jude's new bike.... his first bike.

i kind of can't believe that we have waited this long to get him a bike, you know trevan being a cyclist and all. oh well, 4 is certainly not too young or too old to start. now if he could just figure out pedaling, apparently its hard to learn.

oh and i got a bike too...
stay tuned for some sexy biking photos with yours truly.


andrea said...

I can't wait to see your bike pictures. Like really, I can't wait.

Jude should always have a shaved head. He looks so handsome!

Eileen said...

Sweet bike, he looks so big. They grow up fast!!

Pam said...

I NEED to see this bald boy and his bike....NOW! XOXO

Angela said...

Where's the sweet helmet to match? We just got Ryder his first bike too. He is loving the new found freedom! Looks like jude is loving it too.