06 June, 2010


here is the thing about sundays.....

sometimes our kids don't wake up until well after church starts, like 2 hours after church starts. today was that sunday. what am i suppose to do? they are normally our alarm clocks. oh well, i guess next sunday i won't rely on them to wake us up.

greta laughing at her daddie.

so instead of staying home all day we decided to take advantage of both our situation and the beautiful weather. we packed our car with lunch, a blanket, and the child carrier and we were off. we drove up to midway and had a picnic along the provo river and went for a nice leisurely hike.

it was the best sunday i have had in a long time... minus the part where i got my thumb amputated in our car door (serves me right for not going to church!).

jude with a smile with everything on it.


jude hates not being able to be carried or being able to ride. like really, you will never neet a 4 year old who likes a stroller ride more than he does. he whined for the first half until i explained to him the story of the mormon pioneers and he shut right up. also, singing primary hymns is a great way to keep my kids entertained.

we drove around midway/heber for a few hours dreaming of houses we want want to live in one day. really, who doesn't want to live there? it's in our 10 year tenative plan.

it was a gregory sunday dinner tonight and something must have been in the water because things got a little crazy.

trevan is obsessed with smores and decided to start a fire right as a thunderstrom was approaching.

he only came inside after landon dragged him in and then he wouldn't wipe off his marshmellow stained face.

then he and landy started wrestling the rain and their shirts came off.

the sound of thunder, the yelling, and seeing their dad shirtless really upset my kids.

at one point trevan and landon got the brilliant idea to go jobbing in the rain. because what else do you do in the rain? at which point landon told trevan he looked really cool jogging in the rain with his dog tags and chest hair, and he was not joking.

then landy got sexy.

and of course jude had to join in on the fun as well.
(sidenote: upon posting this picture jude told me he looked like such a stud.)

it was a really weird/funny ending to a great day.

i like my family.
i love my life.


Rebecca said...

Jude always looks like a stud, but especially in this picture. I love the rundown of the night and I am SO glad Trevan took his shirt off so you could post that too! Too bad it upset Greta. Lets hang out.

Pam said...

I'm with Greta...I find it kind of upsetting. I'm trying to control my tears even as we speak! I LOVE a summer thunder storm. I was out on the patio watching it myself...with my shirt ON!!

Pam said...

P.S. Greta is just TOO cute!!

Whitney said...

First of all, Landon has armpit hair. Second of all, Landon has armpit hair. And third of all, Landon has armpit hair.

Jonathan, Kaity & Halle said...

Kennan, I am loving on your blog! It's quite refreshing to read and makes me feel a bit more normal! I love it and your kids are adorable. Greta is beautiful, love her to die for hair cut!

by the by, this is Kaitlin, from Naartjie. (not some creeper).
Told you I would check your blog out...