05 August, 2010

the name game.

being pregnant and all, names have been weighing heavily on my mind. i have a few (maybe 2) that i like and one day if i am brave enough i will share them with you. having names on my mind has got me wondering about a few things...

- why anyone would name their child certain names (like half of the names on jude's preschool roll call)?

- why lukas haas' character in 'inception' has the name i like most for a boy? he is so unattractive.

- how the name jude got so popular?

- why my name is kennan?
a. boy name
b. no one says it right
c. boy name.

- why i don't like any girl names?

- why people tell you they hate names? especially after you have already named someone that (ie. greta)

- why mixing up the spelling of name makes it unique?

- why people "breast" their names, as if they were a hand of cards in a high stakes poker game?

- how some names are even conceived?

and most importantly

- what name will fit the baby in my belly?

i am not trying to be a brat or judgemental. naming a child is heavy duty and it should not be taken lightly. if you carry a child for 9 months, gain 400 lbs, suffer through sickness, and childbirth i think you are entitled to name your child whatever you please. really, i do. of course, i love my kids names... umm duh, i named them. i don't expect anyone to love their names in return. jude and greta where our choices. they were the perfect fit for us.

for me, its always exciting to hear what people decide to name their children. what people name their children say so much about them. however, sometimes i am baffled and have to try really hold in the puke in my mouth of some of the names i encounter. other times i love them so much, i tuck the name away for storage in case i need to use it in the future. my opinion is just that, an opinion. however, for the good of the world, please try to hold yourself back a little when mckailadayzee and trytone are front runners on your name list. you won't regret not naming your child that, i promise.

what names do you love or loathe?

i'd love to have this discussion with you.


Whitney said...

When I told my family I was going to name my daughter Stella over 6 years ago, they winced up their faces and practically begged me to reconsider (she'll get made fun of, she won't be as cute, she'll hate it, etc.). Who even cares?! Seriously, it's my baby! By the way, they love it now and love HER even more. It fits her perfectly, and no she's not a crotchety old lady.

Also, when I told some of my friends that you had named your daughter Greta and that I thought it was one of the most beautiful names, they had the same reaction. Who even cares?

My friend just named her son Franklin. Before she had him, another friend tried to talk her out of it by saying that it didn't sound like an "important person" name. Like somehow the name of your child makes them important or not.

By the way, I love the name Greta and if we have a boy his name will be Malcolm (or Duncan, we can't decide yet).

I'm not pregnant. But you are and we're excited to know your adorable baby, not caring what his/her name will be. :)

Angela said...

I love love love the name game! I love middle names with lots of meaning. First names are a little harder. I like boys to be named very manly, oh yeah that's a boy! Name. And I like girly names for girls....for the most part. I like boy names for girls not the other way around. I would never think Kennan was a boy name, I have a girl cousin named it too. I don't usually HATE peoples names. Some are just harder to get used to. Usually they grow on me as you get to know the cute little person wearing the name.

Miss Bear said...

When we were deciding on a name for little sir (before we knew he was a boy) Corey vetoed so many of my names because he said they were all dog names...seriously? Every name is probably a dog name. :)
I learned names that I would never use by working at a preschool too...(titan? really?)
You will find the perfect name for your little one..I A.D.O.R.E your names for your first too..they fit them so perfectly!!

Amanda Lewis said...

First off, you and your sisters have the BEST taste in names, so any name you choose will be spectacular.

For boys I LOVE old Western names (think Jasper, Wyatt, Riley, etc.). For girls I LOVE super feminine names that scream 'girl'(think Rosie, Madeline, Malia, Ruby, etc.).

I can only imagine the pressure when picking your babies' name. Good luck and like I said, you have fantastic taste - I can't wait to see what the final decision is!

: )

AubreyB said...

Hate the weird 'utah' spelling thing. Just spell it the normal way. Otherwise the kid is going to go through their entire life with their name misspelled. Matt sees that all the time and he just wonders what the parents are thinking. And I can't wait to hear your names, you have great taste!

Tyler and Sheena said...

We are going through the same thing right now to. Don't you think it gets harder the more you have? Anyways, whatever name you choose will be so cute. I agree with one of the other commenters. You and your sisters choose the greatest names.

Jillian said...

Oh Kennan! You have picked a topic that I love! Names...ahh...what's in a name? The "Utah" way of spelling (I agree with Aubree) drives me absolutely bonkers and if you haven't read the blog Seriously So Blessed, you're missing out (it's a spoof on Utah/LDS living and it's hilarious! But you must have a sense of humor to read it-but she "named" her "children" Utah names and they're hilarious.

Secondly, I really wish people would either use MORE creativity (i.e naming your child David Davis-really? Seriously? You couldn't be more creative than that?!) or less creative (i.e. McKailaDayzee is a great example!).

With all of that being said...if my baby (which I find out on the 13th) is a girl, she will be Lucille (Lucy) Marie named after an awesome grandmother and middle-named after my grandma, mother and stepmother all at the same time. If baby is a boy, he will be Logan David (David after his daddy's middle name). It took us a long time to arrive at Logan. Seems we like a lot more girl names than boy names...

Sorry to write a novel...just also wanted to say that Jude and Greta are AMAZING names and they fit them perfectly so I have no doubt the 3rd one will be just as amazing.

Pam said...

Oh dear...here we go with the name stress part of having a child. BTW...you have a great name that fits you perfectly. You could have been Lacey...seriously! It's hard, they wear the name their whole life but guess what...whatever it is, they seem to grow into it...for everyone...well except Grandma JB maybe. Can't wait to hear what you all decide.

Nova said...

Picking a name is such a personal thing. You don't want to hear the nasty comments, but at the same time you want to know how people will react to it. We have decided to keep our next childs name a secret. People are less likely to keep their opinion to themselves after the cutie is here.
Boys names I love
Collier (said Call-yur)

Girls names I love

Names I loathe
I secretly cringe when I hear of people naming their girls Emma, Elle, Ella, Elli, Emmie They are so common right now. I know about a dozen girls from my class that have used one of those names or something similar. I also don't like gender neutral names or boy names on girls. I have a male name and was teased relentlessly. Just my personal opinion, but girls should have girl names and boys should have boy names.
I hope you guys pick a name that is something you love or that has meaning to you. Who cares what others think, unless you name your kid something totally ridiculous like Shubani or La-a (pronounced La dasha, no seriously it is a name)

Anonymous said...

Don't know you but LOVE your blog... thought I'd throw out some that are on my list...




andrea said...

I have lots of names that I don't like. LOTS. But you know what really bugs me? When people name their child a really common name and then act like it's the most original name in the world. Or when people who have a 5 year old Emma/Ella/Isabella/Olivia say oooh when I picked the name NO ONE else was using it. Um really? Because they have been the most popular names for like 8 years. I don't know why...but I am kind of passionate about it, LOL.

If I were to ever have another baby I like the name Fisher for a boy. I would never have a girl so I don't have to worry about that.

One more thing--I like names to match. Old fashioned names mixed with made up names...I don't get that.

andrea said...

and don't worry. I'm not opinionated about names at all. :)

Kim said...

You don't know me, but I totally dig both of your blogs! So here's my name story. Worst name ever and true story, I kid you not! My sister in law was the music teacher at her daughter's school and was in the office when a mother called in to complain that her daughters teacher had miss pronounced her name. Her name was La-a (la/DASH/a). PULEASE!

Brooke said...

hi! you don't know me, but i found your blog through a friend. i had to comment - i love this post and i know exactly how you feel! i also named my 6 month old baby girl greta (named after my grandma.) when i was pregnant i got to the point of dreading telling people what her name was going to be because i was afraid of their reaction! people are lame! but i love my little grets and think it is a great name.. i love the name harper too for a girl! congrats on your pregnancy!

Leslie said...

What's not to like about the name Greta? It's equal parts cute and classic. I guess you can't please everyone.

If we ever have a girl we're going to be in trouble. When we were thinking about names when I was pregnant with Ben I loved the name Harper for a girl and filed it away in my head. I'd never heard of anyone using it before. Now it seems like it's everywhere and it's even the name of a character on a Disney show (the kiss of death, in my book). So back to drawing board for us (not that I'm even close to being pregnant).

Good luck on the name game. I'll be interested in hearing what you come up with.

Rebecca said...

Hey did you delete my comment? That's ok I was being a little sensitive last night. I love you

Rachel said...

i love the name penny for a girl. Boy names are really hard for me. Girl names seem a bit easier. I also like the name June for a girl. So, there you have it!! two girl names to choose from :) good luck lady. I hated picking out a name.

Laura Stringham said...

i always laugh at how worked up people (not excluding myself) get over names. they are a BIG deal and i find that most of the time i have to just tune out the world until i've signed the birth certificate. good luck.

Anonymous said...

How about Liam(a nickname of William and in honor of your family) if I had the last name to do this I would have. I like Tatum or Reese or Scout for a girl there are quite a few good nicknames for the first two and your kiddos have really cute ones already.

Anonymous said...

I like the name ScroTom

Whitney said...

La-a? (la-dash-a) I am dying right now. I must call someone.

So I forgot to tell you that my cousin named her son Dauge (not doggie, rhymes with age) and his middle name is Bryke, which is a mix of his grandpa's Bruce and Mike. I told her that if she was going to do that to him, she should have used Moose instead of Bryke.

La-a . . . I can't stop laughing!

don't name you baby that!! said...

My friends husband is a fireman in West Valley. He encountered a woman who had a daughter named Paw-juh-may. When he asked her how to spell it she said P-a-j-a-m-a. I have also encountered Armani. Naming you kids after fancy cars and clothes doesn't make you any more classy
check out this blog

Haley said...

I also love your blogs, your kids names, etc.

When my grandpa was born his aunt wasn't going to come to his blessing so his mother told her if she came she could name her child. The name she chose for him was Havolyn. Yeah, original, but really who does that to a small child?

Love your names and I am sure whatever you decide on will be just as great as the others.

Kami Satterlee said...

How about Dixie. Middle Name Normous? Just sayin...anyone makes fun of that all she would have to say is "ya...what's your point?"
I hate the name game.
I liked Kamden, now I find it hard to say? you can't win them all;)
I decided I wasnt going to tell anyone just family what my name was, and then I decided I can't even tell family because everyone has to give their 2 cents.
I remember your dad making fun of my name picks haha and since we were prego at the same time he kept sayin "Hey Jude" Like the song.haha I love your dad, I wouldn't recommend telling him your name tho....;)

Davy and Hillary said...

Kennan>>>hello< it;s me your long lost friend HIllary!! So i love you and miss your humor and sassiness. YOUr children are absolutely gorgeous but why wouldn't they be, they're yours!! Ok, boy name i dislike and why.
Boden or BOdy: it reminds me of the word "Bodagget"..poo stuck in your butt hair, I 'don't want my kid to be associated with that.
I can't think of a girl name i don't care for right now. But names I love that you may use( i think it's funny when people give you permission to use a name like they have the rights to it).
Girl: Maudie, Tilly, Penelope, Juniper.
I love every single one of those...i tell my husband that our future bay girl will have one of these names...guess which name he wants, which i totally adore for the double G...Gretta. Funny huh.
Boy; Frankie, Guy, miles, Mason.
I love your blogs, i hope i can turn into a cool, sassy mom like you> so far i only have a few months under my belt in the mommy world. Take care, love your guts.