14 October, 2010


there are few things jude likes more than halloween.... actually, i am not sure he likes anything more than he does halloween. its cute and scary at the same time. so when halloween time comes (sept. 1) it's all we do, listen to, and talk about. jude has been waiting patiently to get his pumpin's and last night we finally gave in.

this year, for the first time, we were joined by the gregory's. growing up choosing our pumpkins was taken as seriously as choosing our christmas tree and it was ALWAYS a family activity. thank you mom for making wonderful traditions. i have carried on this tradition in my little family and even though tern (trevan's mom) didn't buy any pumpkins, i think she liked our tradition too.

gaga (did you know that how she says her name?) + momo

jude is getting to that really fun, annoying boy stage. it is what it is, annoying and kind of cute.

papa + gaga

no one loves greta.

jude has passed his love for halloween right on down to miss. prets. she too cannot get enough but unlike her brother, she has her limits. some things are just TOO scary.

we go to the best pumpkin patch in south jordan. really, its the best. a free corn maze, a real pumpkin patch, loads of tractors... heaven.

jude and his baby brothers pumpkin. he has since decided that it is his own pumpkin, they all are. he's a greedy little imp.

this is rog. my FIL. i love him.

happy pumpin hunting.


AubreyB said...

2 q's:
Where is this amazing patch in south jordan?
Why are there no pics of your cute pregnant self in this post? :)

Pam said...

Okay...I admit...I'm a little jealous. I thought I might be able to sneak in on this activity but Jude just was TOO fast on the draw. Can we make a date for next year??? XOXO

Pam said...

Oh....and P.S....does anyone else think that GaGa looks like MoMo??? Lucky girl!!

Whitney said...

So get this. Elliot pretty much likes his own daughter, and though he doesn't openly NOT like other people's kids, he sort of avoids them . . . until he met Greta. He came home from the funeral raving about how deliciously adorable she is. I'm already in love with her! :)

Leslie said...

Is this the pumpkin patch over by Daybreak? We love that one too. Looks like you guys had fun.

Rebecca said...

What fun pumpkin pickin! I love your pictures and your kids. I really think that Greta is your clone. Lucky girl. Thats what I am saying

Pam said...

Ok....Rebecca, you have a point! And I was actually thinking that MoMo was lucky....:)

Mel said...

Cute pictures! Okay, so another boy! I just looked at your blog after writing on FB asking about you and your kids. Still wondering how things are going there. But congrats. I do love boys too, that's why I'm okay we'll have 4 under 4~!