12 December, 2010

temple square.

if you live in northern utah, chances are you will probably have or will be spending some time at temple square this season. here at the gregory household.... we are no different. this year, instead of going the week of christmas like we normally do we decided to go a bit early. trevan had oral surgery on thursday (meaning he was out for a few days) and i took one look at the weather forecast and knew wednesday night was the perfect night for us. normally, this event is done with our families but no one could go that night, it was a abnormal decisions but i decided we were going anyway and off we went.

since trevan works downtown now we road tracks downtown to meet him. it was really probably a sight to be seen.... my pregnant butt pushing a stroller with one hand, carrying greta in the other, and having jude hold on to greta's shoe as we dashed across the parking lot to get on the train in time. thankfully, a nice gentleman (they still exist) saw me and helped me actually get on the train. jude is an old pro by now on tracks and kept pointing out land marks along the way, he remembers the most random things. greta had never been more excited and looked out the window with glee the whole time. i tried to catch my breath long enough to take a picture of my 2 adorable babies.

and i am not good at sharing.

OK... so here is the best part. guess who else had the bright idea of going to temple square wednesday night? our breast friends blake and codi. it was a great surprise and we were glad that they were flying solo too so we could enjoy each others company all night. i mean i needed someone to appreciate fellow light viewers with me and codi gets me, we both saw many christmas wish-list hopefuls and future husbands as well. OH, and my kids lurve a little lucy bug too.

greta's newest love is "beebee gee-us"

BTW, greta can talk, but only says some words really well and some words are used for a lot of different applications (ie. "HI".... hot, hat, hide, and hi). we are working with her speech therapist every other week and she is making huge strides. ANYWAY.... the other day as we were driving a long listening to christmas music we hear greta yelling "baby jesus" at us.... at first i had no idea what she was saying but luckily her translator (jude) told me she was saying "baby jesus" and she hasn't stopped talking about him since. to hear here say "baby jesus" in her little voice is perfection.

bearded men stick together....

not quite sure what our kids were thinking in playing in the water at temple square but since we are really great parents we let them.

i was there... in all my glory but i am glad it was at least documented. my children are going to look back at photos from this pregnancy and wonder where i was. from the looks of it, it looks as if i was too busy eating the whole time to pose for pictures but i assure you was not. this is just how kennan and pregnancy roll.

we dined at the always delicious and nostalgic "little america: coffee shop" after with blake and codi. the food there never disappoints and even if it did, it would not matter to me because of all the memories of growing up eating at little america in cheyenne. i love little america.

but i love christmasing with friends even more.


Codi said...

Thanks for letting us "bumpkins" hang out with you. You look beautiful and I can't wait to meet "baby boy"!

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...



jk. LOL. OMG

sort of offended you didn't wait for us to go. have the shreks replaced the jacksons?

Eileen said...

There is nothing like Temple Square, you took some wonderful pictures. Darling family you have!! By the way, you look beautiful!

Pam said...

Gorg...all of you!! And sometimes you just have to "seize the moment" or it just plain won't happen! Good for you...sad for me.XOXO

Rebecca said...

You my dear look FABULOUS. and can I please order a couple of Greta's hats and boots. SHould have called us. Hellllo. And I tried to call you today. Your phone not on. lame love yOO

Anonymous said...

So many amazing things in this post! Greta...obviously. She is amazing. And Jude's smile is out of this world. I love it. Can't wait to see the new babe.