28 December, 2010

williams family party

if if you have followed my blog for awhile then you already know about the amazingness that is the williams family (my dad's family) christmas party. needless to say, this year did not disappoint, even if the event was a little less attended this year.

jude has been in attendance at this party his whole entire life! can you believe it? well, neither could he.

holley, rebecca, and nannie awaiting the arrival of "the queen's story teller".
and arrive he did.

i love my uncle lee.... he is the one of the kindest people you will ever meet. he loves all of our kids, just as he loved us. i am TRULY blessed to have him in our life. the fact that he goes to this much effort everywhere should win you over entirely.

lee had these girls enthralled from the get go. this year's story was about christmas fairie and obviously with that sort of theme, the girls were hooked. the boys yearned a little more action and were a little less patient.s

where do you even find shoes like this? you can be sure, lee knows.

jude brought his own magic to the party.... he's so damn cute.

and because the longest and most cherished tradtion in our family christmas party is the nativity scene, it is always saved for last. this year, our cast was not the same without the jackson's but we pulled through with baby cash in the lead as jesus.


jude, being the christmas elf that he is, had the baby jesus stable (ie. nativity scene) cast before we ever got there. he decided this year that he and miss greta would be shepherds. they were perfect in their roles, even if greta was really sick. umm, look at her coloring, its a bit worrisome. oh well, its christmas and we all carry on regardless.

until next year....


Rebecca said...

Please please let me come next year!!

Pam said...

Really....it's hard to understand if you aren't there in person. AMAZING!