25 January, 2011

the friend dilemma.

one thing we are short on in these parts is friends. it's actually a really big problem and one of the reasons i pray we can move soon, somewhere that kids roam like the buffalo of old. don't get me wrong....i love our little house, our location, our ward, the people etc. but there are nearly no kids my kids age (or same sex) in our area. i seem to have babies at all the wrong times for our neighborhood and somehow my kids are left to play with themselves, and this baby in my belly is no exception. i never thought i would have this problem especially since i live in suburban mormon utah, but i do. jude is 5 now and has yet to have a "play date", a fact that he reminds me of frequently. jude has friends at school but his school is not in our neighborhood, therefore no play dates have come from that outlet. i caught him drawing maps on how to get to our house for a few of his besties at school the other day, and i almost cried. i long for the day that i can send my kids across, down, or up the street to play with a friend. maybe if it didn't live on a busy street that could happen.

THAT BEING SAID.... we are immensely lucky to have a few cousins that my kids adore. in order to get adequate playtime in with peers that means we spend a lot of time with cousins(ie.minie and poppy) and whenever the lamoreaux's are in town i do everything in my power to make sure jude gets his boy time in. mostly because he and gilbert are two peas in a pod. as much as jude loves his mimsie (which is a lot), there is something about gil that makes jude's world go round. so over christmas break while the lamoreaux's were here, we had a lot of gil time, and i think it may have been jude's favorite christmas present. i am glad that AT LEAST my kids have cousins to play with. i am forever indebted to brooke for supplying minie and poppy, the OG's. i will take cousins over friends any day but one day i would at least like to have the option.

won't you be our friend?


i think i may have offended some of my friends that live nearby. that was not my intention... i was merely stating the fact that there is a serious lack of kids in these parts and i wish it were different. please don't be offended, and if you are... know that these are rantings of a very pregnant, due any moment, woman.


Amanda said...

I don't even know where to begin. I have been feeling almost this same way since I moved back from California. While we were there my little boy had SO many friends that were all within a few months of each other. Now that we're back, he has no friends. I too put him in preschool hoping that we would be able to find a new group of friends, but it seems that the preschool already has it's own cliques, and we just aren't part of them. I must admit that I'm a little jealous that your kids have cousins to play with, because my kids don't even have that. I would love to have a play date and let our kids just be kids. Hunter is 4 and Mckinley is 18 months, and I am expecting a new little one who seems to want to make an appearance sometime soon (i'm not due till march and am on bedrest because I have been having some severe contractions) We would love to have some new friends to hang out with!

Amanda Smith

Beck said...

You better believe I would love some kennan time. I have always wanted to meet your kiddos in person so consider me your new side kick!!! Good luck with the new baby. If you need help with your other kids I would love to help out!!

Whitney said...

Stella was worried at one point that we would have a boy and that he wouldn't want to play with her because she's a girl. However, after I reminded her that nearly ALL of her friends are boys and LOVE to play with her, she was ok with maybe having a boy. Also, the other day Stella got sent to her room because our neighbor boy came over to ask if she could play. When she answered the door she said "what" instead of "hello" which brought on our sarcastic conversation about how it sucks to have so many friends that want to play with her. If she could choose anyone to play with, it's usually a boy friend. Girls and boys can be besties too. Just find the right girl. :)

AubreyB said...

Jude & Cohen haven't played together in a while, maybe we should try it out again? After you have the baby he could come and play some time, they both love playmobils & pirates, right? Maybe the 11 month difference won't be so different now that they're 4 & 5. Also, I agree w/ Whitney. Cohen's best friend is Brooklynn, even though she's a girl. Maybe Jude would like playing with Grace or Anna? Neither of them are shrinking violets. :)

Stephanie said...

Kennan, I know I have not seen you or Brooke in forever but you should come have a play date with us! Dawson is 5 and would love someone new to play with! Really though you should give me a call. We would love that.

Stephanie Jepson 635-4399