28 January, 2011


once upon a time i had a novel idea... the idea that i should wait until after christmas to do anything baby. i thought we'd enjoy the holidays and that by waiting to do baby things (ie. car seat, painting, nursery set, kids room, furniture moving, wardrobe shopping, etc.) until january that we'd have more money and that it would make my last 4 weeks of pregnancy go faster.

as it turns out... i was WRONG, on every account.

lucky for me i have a willing and able mother, a patient husband, and some nice in-laws because we were able to get pretty much everything accomplished in the past 2 weeks. in all honesty, its mostly all because of my mom, she is literally the greatest mom ever. if you saw the list of to-do's you would probably be more impressed with how much we have done. just use your imagination and remind me next time that i need to do things way more in advance. here we are 5 days from delivery and most things are ready to go, the rooms still need some TLC but they are working out just perfectly.

the nursery:

my mom is a wizard when it comes to baby bedding. all i did was pick out the fabricas and look what she whipped up.... the MOST AMAZING NURSERY SET EVER. we are still waiting on a glider chair and his name to finish up the decor. jealous?

the kids room....

their room too is a work in progress and needs some more decor to coordinate the colors. looking at these pictures makes me sick, i needed to straighten greta's duvet but if you can get past that, i really adore the way it turned out. it was hard to make a boy/girl room look cute but i really love how the grey/pink/navy combo works.

oh, and wonder of wonders miracle miracle.... they both sleep in their beds perfectly.

our room:

with my other kids we were able to use a family heirloom cradle but since it is still occupied from the last baby we had to buy something else. when i saw this set up in my room, i nearly cried, it made him so real! and LOOK, my diaper bag is ret' to go. oh, and you should go out and by a pack of Pampers Newborn Swaddlers to smell them and laugh at the sheer size of them.

nesting is real and i am glad my nest is set.

what do you think sisters? you know this post was for you!


Nate and Paige said...

ama-zing. i love the way EVERYTHING turned out. i want my entire house the color of the kids room. it's such a pretty grey. and let's not get started on the bedding. bottom line- my next baby's bedding is going to be in similar fashion. sooo glad your finally nested. really, how DID you wait so long? your crazy. and baby boy, we can't wait to meet you!!1

Kami Satterlee said...

Kennan it looks simply perfect! I LOVE the kiddos room too! I wanted to do grays in Kamden's room but wasn't sure how to do each wall, I love the different shades of stripes, I just might steal that. We live in seperate states that's cool right? Anywho I'm so excited for your little Mr. He will be handsome and I can't wait to see how the kids will react. I'm sure Jude will be a doll and Greta will love him to pieces. Good Luck you hot thang! Tear it up....literally, I'm sick, sorry.

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Oaky I love it! Let's start with the baby's room....The sock monkey's and colors are so cute and fun. I feel like he could be nothing but happy living in that room....I bet he is a happy baby.
Now to the kids room. Who knew Gray woudl be so amazing in there. I love it, it looks way more bright than I thought it would be. I can't wait to see it in person. You are ready!
Can't wait to meet Anders/Heath/Nash/Ezra!

bj+anne+brody+macie+lucy+ellie said...

Check out Pamma Blamma! seriously impressive. I love the rooms and I can't wait to see this love muffin. You will be in my thoughts-yahoo baby time!

Rebecca said...

I LOVE IT! How are Jude and Gretles doing sharing? I bet they love it. Your Pam is just amazing. That is the cutest bedding I have ever seen. REally! Sad I didn't get to see you this week, but I imagine your life is a tad bit crazy. So I guess seeing you in the hospital with your new bundle will have to do.

Unknown said...

cutest rooms ever kennan!!! Is your bunk bed from ikea? I am on a hunt for a white set for the girls!
oh, and I WILL copy that bumper FOR SURE..TOO DANG CUTE!!!!

Eileen said...

Very nice, looks like you're all ready. Can't wait to meet your new son!!

Heather Lee said...

I am jealous. Very jealous of the bedding. I love that it looks like a boarder of pillows. I had to mention, I use to SWEAR by pampers swaddlers...that was until, I tell no lies, they gave Graham a serious chemical burn. I think they added an extra chemical to them (dry max) from the time I had Holland until the time Graham came around. And Graham's little sensitive skin couldn't handle it. Just a warning. If your baby boy develops a sort of rash that looks like raw skin, switch diapers. I thought it was just rubbing it raw, but no. Anyway, not all babies react to it. But mine sure did.
I'm wishing you luck with delivery and recovery! And a name:)