07 February, 2011

PPD round 3

here i am, 6 days post delivery and my postpartum depression has already started.

i really don't know if i can do this again.

most importantly, ezra is home and doing great.


neuroticmom said...

Hi Kennan, it's Amy (Holland) Droubay, Stacey and Julie's sister. I've been following your blog because I love your sense of humor and how real you are in your posts. I also love how much you love being a mom and your love for your kids really shows through on your blog.

I feel for you on the PPD. I had it so severely after my last baby that I could not be alone without another adult with me. I would go into absolute panic attack mode at the thought of being alone. It scared the hell right out of me and I was depressed and anxious for months and months. Here's what helped me. I'm just sharing because I know the awful depths of despair that it is and how hard it is to claw your way out.

I needed to have something to do everyday: for me, I decided I was going to clean out a drawer or closet every single day. Any project that could occupy my mind for a short while helped a lot.

Exercise, even a short walk around the driveway for 10 minutes helped.

Have someone with you. I finally decided to get over trying to do everything by myself and just started calling and asking people to come over and sit with me (mainly my mom). Talking to another person is a great distraction and passed the time.

And passing the time is all you need to do. It's hard to realize when you are in the moment but it will pass eventually.

I'm sure you already have, but make sure you talk to a doctor and get on some meds if you need to.

Best of luck to you, your children are adorable. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I truly, sincerely empathize.

Lindsay Henderson said...

Hello, you don't know me...haha creeeepy!! I'm friends with Kami Satterlee, and I saw you and I were preggo at the same time, hooray for cute boys! :D I had my little guy 2 1/2 weeks ago and the first week I thought what the HELL is wrong with me!! I also proceeded to ask my mom why ANYONE would want to have another child with the "weepy" feelings I was having the first week!! She reassured me, it gets better. I'm holding her to that, haha!! Not fun at all!! You've been through it 2 other times sister, you can do it!!! I hope you feel better soon, your little guy is adorable!! Congrats!!

Darcie said...

Kennan, I'm so glad little Ezra is home and doing well. he certainly is a darling little guy. Congrats to you guys!

I'm so sorry about the ppd... I really am. I wish I had something to share that would help you, but I don't. I'm sure it's the absolute pits. Good luck to you, I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I can't wait for you to be past this, it will come.

Anonymous said...

i too love to read your blog because you are hilarious, your family is adorable, and you are real. [and you have amazing hair...;)]

so many people struggle silently with ppd and i really, really, really hope you know that no matter how crazy/down/terrified you feel, you are incredibly special and overwhelmingly lovable.

hang in there lady. you are oh so brave...xoxox

Jobi Niu said...

Ugh. Postpartum is THE WORST!! I get it pretty after each kid. After my 3rd it was the worst. It's sooo overwhelming... here I am 10 months later and still occasionally still get depressed. Ugh. Life. Motherhood. Being a wife.... the stuff we go through :) I'm so sorry. Hang in there girl! You're a great Mommy & Ezra is adorable. All of your kids are amazing.

AubreyB said...

I'm so sorry, Kennan. I don't know if either of these options would help you, but I would love to either take the 2 oldest kids to give you a break or me & my kids can come over to give you some distraction if you need all the kids at home with you. Cohen has preschool til 12 T/Th the next 3 weeks, otherwise we're totally free. Seriously, if either/both of those things would help I would love to do them.

DibWoman said...

Hello Sweetie. I wish I was up there to help you. I would love to play with your kids or be with you through this ordeal. It WILL pass. PPD is real and you just need to do whatever you need to do to deal with it. The suggestions made are all good - including the Dr. - you have to choose what works for you. I know for sure that you are surrounded by people who love you deeply and will do anything to help you. Keep us posted. We love you too. BJ

Heather Lee said...

Yes you can! You are such an amazing woman Kennen. I'm so glad you've brought another adorable Ezzie into this world (I have a nephew named Ezra). He is a DOLL. You my dear, have done it before and you'll do it again (and hopefully again and again because your babies are so cute). Love you and love your babes. Do lots of sniffs. That newborn smell has to do something to the hormones;) So glad you and baby are home safe and sound.

Miss Bear said...

Kennan...you can do it! I can't imagine what you are going through, but I do know that you have so many people who love and care for you. They will back you up no matter what! Don't be afraid to ask for help!
Little Ezra is so lucky to have you as a mommy!!

Anonymous said...

Kennan, I have read your blog forever, but never commented. I pray that it helps you to hear the uplifting comments that people have left and that is why I decided to finally comment. I just wanted to tell you how obvious it is from reading your blog that you are an amazing woman. Stay strong, you can do this!

Lindsey Walker said...
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Lindsey Walker said...

Kennan, I too have read your blog forever! I love how real and raw you are. You are funny and I love the way you write. I don't know if you remember me from high school. Back then, I was always intimidated by you cause you're a strong women, and so beautiful. I hope all goes well for you. This having babies stuff can be really hard sometimes.

Tiffany said...

Thoughts and prayers for you - hang in there. You're little one is so sweet!

Tyson Murphy said...
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Val Murphy said...

Kennan. I've been there and I know it is one of the hardest things ever...give yourself some time to get better. It's hard to be patient and not just want to be better quickly. UNFORTUNATELY it does just take a little bit of time for your body to adjust. Stay busy...talk to people about how you feel (even though you think they may be tired of it). Just hang in there. I'll be praying for you. Your new little boy is adorable. So glad he got to come home. I can't wait to see more pictures! Oh and of course (like others said and I'm sure you are)...talk to your doctor. It really helped me to get back on birth control for some reason. All my best.

Lucky to be the mom said...

Congratulations little mama! You have added another gorgeous child to your family, brought him to earth!

1. You are a brave woman. Pregnancy was very difficult/complicated for me as well. I have huge respect and awe for your willingness.

2. Fortunately, the doctors now know what PPD is!

3. I love the way Jude and Greta look at him in the photos.

4. As hard and horrible as it is...it's so worth it, isn't it? (Do not answer that question right now!)

5. FYI - my daughters (19 & 13) LOVE your kids! They love to read your blog. Claire (19) just changed her hair style and said, 'now it looks like more of a Kennan cut!' They admire you.

6. I admire you. I love your little family even though I've never seen them...

7. Hang in there and kiss Ezra for me.

I love you,