26 February, 2011



kill me now.


neuroticmom said...

I had that with each baby! Worst. Thing. Ever. (besides ppd)

Put a very hot washcloth directly on affected area. Do this several times a day and before each feeding.

Massage inward towards your nipple while holding the washcloth on and while the baby nurses.

Aim baby's chin towards affected area when he nurses (Jeff had to hold the baby up because the chin needed to point on the outer side).

Call dr. and get on an antibiotic asap.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

AubreyB said...

Yes. Exactly what Amy said. I had that twice w/ Cohen and those things, especially the antibiotics, worked wonders. We're finally all better over at our house, maybe we can get together this week?

neuroticmom said...

I forgot the MOST important tip:


I know it sounds weird but the acid in the pineapple breaks up the clogged milk ducts. It also PREVENTS it from happening again.

Try to eat some every day or as often as possible. I swear by it.

DibWoman said...

And don't sleep on your stomach! So sorry! It is worth it. Kisses to the kids.

Unknown said...

the. worst. thing. ever.

i am so sorry that you are having such a rough time. The anitbiotics helps me everytime within a day!!! he really is a delicious baby!!!

Hayden and Lisa said...

Ahh Kennan!!! I got that 3 times with the twins! It is the worst!!!

Randi said...

I had it with both girls, but when I got it with Charlotte I discovered that the stuff you put on to keep your boobies from cracking was actually causing my mastitis, so try not using that if you can. Also have the doctor give you a yeast infection pill along with your anti biotic, because the anti biotics can cause the baby to get thrush, then you start infecting each other! (that is why I stopped breastfeeding Lili, I got mastitis 3 times in a month)

Anonymous said...

I had it so many times and I swear by IB profin lots of it.

Lucky to be the mom said...

I think that's one of the most painful conditions on earth...and makes you so so so sick! Hang in there!
(and follow all the advice above :) you've got friends who've advised you well!)
Ezra is 100% gorgeous...just like Jude and Greta :)
You make some seriously beautiful babies!

Rebecca said...

NOOOOOO! So painful! I am sorry K. I hope it is gone by now. Massage that puppy. When can I come hold my friend ezzie?

andrea said...

while you are recovering, I would be happy to take that yummy baby. Really. I need him.

Laura Stringham said...

Ya. That's hit me before and I think that dying is probably preferable. As if having a newborn wasn't enough... You have my sympathies.