22 March, 2011

a (delayed) love affair.


what joy and what love.

i have fallen head over heels in love with sweet ezra.

i struggle with newborns. i know, i know, who doesn't love a newborn? well, i don't, especially my own. i mean, of course i love them but i am not in love with them. it takes me a good month or so until i feel a real bond with my kids. it was that with jude, it was that way with greta, and i knew it would be that way with ezra.

with my post-partum depression it is hard to focus on the "real" emotions those first couple of weeks, it's hard know if what i am feeling is really how i feel. for example, i was really resentful of ezra at first, i felt he ruined a good thing that we had going with 2 kids and that life would never be the same. i resented the fact that he relied solely on me for nourishment but at the same time i would not allow a bottle so i wouldn't be judged. i didn't want the responsibility of taking care of another child, especially a newborn. i could not believe i had to get up in the middle of the night again. i felt like a robot, doing what i was programmed to do, not what i wanted to do. i would read other mother's blogs who had babies around the same time as me and hate on them for loving their babies. i wanted to be in love, i just wasn't. here we are a few weeks later and it's a whole other story. i am out of that PPD haze, i know those feelings were not real. i knew that then too but, i didn't feel that way.

i feel so lucky to be out of that haze and back to the old me, even if i am highly medicated (getting less so every week FYI). i am so glad that i have fallen in love with my baby. our bond is unbreakable now. these days, i can't wait to feed him, i love his little hand on my breast and the coos he makes when he's full. i love how our family dynamic has changed since he has joined us, we feel like a real family now. i can't fathom wanting to do something other than being a mother, ezra's mother. my heart aches every night as another day is over with him but, every morning is brilliant because i get to start a new day with him. ezzie is the sweetest boy and best little baby, he is magic. i am so blessed that i get to be his mommie. me and ezra? our love is true. it's everlasting, just like it was/is with his big brother and sister.

i knew we would get here.

i'll love you forever.
i'll like you for always.
as long as i'm living,
my baby you'll be.


Anonymous said...

OH MY OH MY!! He is the cutest little dude ever!! He almost makes me want to have another...almost.

So, Amber told me you guys all hungout. Lame that I wasn't there. Let's hang at the park with some chicken nuggets. Are you coming to Roen's birthday party? Sure hope so! Glad you are doing better. And, hey, who in this world isn't medicated?!

Pam said...

Yummy, yummy boy! I knew you'd get there too. He is truly amazing. XOXO

Rebecca said...

I love you. Love how honest and smart you are. You are just the best. I love love ezra's little face and his hair! please can we get together so I can hold him. Please.

Lucky to be the mom said...

Oh is he delicious!!!!! I'm so glad you're feeling better! I am incredibly grateful for modern medicine - I don't even want to thing what life would be like without it!!!

Enjoy a few kisses on those adorable cheeks, hands, etc., for me.
