08 April, 2011

celebrating gaga

what do you do when when your favorite girl turns 3?


there is a long standing tradition in the williams family (mi familia) that birthday's last at least 3 days and i have carried that tradition on down to my family. on the eve of gaga's birthday we had little family party at rock creek pizza. somehow, i forgot my camera but my mom documented properly on her blog and it was a great time. the kids (minie, poppy, jude, and greta) loved playing with the ever fun uncle cammy, who also happens to be minie's future husband. they also loved having free reign of the banquet room and the accordion door.

she woke up on her actual birthday to birthday decor, balloons, and presents. she was thrilled. she also woke up to a nasty cold. turns out, she has yet to meet a birthday without being sick... even when she was born. rapunzie was a theme through out her birthday and she loved each present that she got. "wee wook" (gaga's verison of thank you) and "ohmidosh" were heard all day long.


greta also had her first "friend" party this year as well. i am mean, most of her friends are cousins but since we invited lucy and the dunlavy gals we will call it a friend party. greta told me she wanted a "babess" party and since i know what babess means, we had a princess party. originally she wanted more of a beauty and the beast themed party but since "tangled" came out a few days earlier, we had to switch the theme. even though miss prets was sick for her birthday she still enjoyed her party. she loved the decor, the food, and the company. i mean, 1 knight and 8 girls in princess dresses always makes for a good time.

tamari, mylee, grets, and luce.

the princess crew, their knight, and some lunch.

jude was the only boy invited to the party. being the mean mom that i am, i did not get him a costume. nannie would not hear of that and arrived at the party with a lovely little get-up for mister imagination. jude was thrilled to the gills. no wonder he loves his nannie! he was in character for most of the party and was sure to protect his princesses.

no party is complete without some sort of verison of pin-the-tail and of course, nursing boobs.

the best part of the party? the royal ball. i bought a sing-a-long princess DVD and the girls danced and swayed and sang the afternoon away. it was AMAZING.


birthday cupcake cones compliments of yaya.

oh yaya... she is the greatest. here she is in her element (she is a elementary librarian). all kids love terri and want her attention but my kids are the luckiest because they get to call her yaya and she is always there for them.

the birthday crew
(bella, gabi, jude, poppy, tamari, grets, minie, and mylee. where's lucy?)


Bethany Dibble said...

Too cute! I wish I could have come, too! Jude is the BEST KNIGHT EVER! And all those princesses to protect. What fun. Happy Birthday to an angel!

Jobi Niu said...

What a fun lil birthday party!! GReta is AMAZING. SOOO freakin cute.
"ohmidosh" <---SO FUNNY!

melimba said...

okay, how darling is this party?! Greta's hair cut is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. Little bob with bangs? Amazing.
And, the Sing-Along DVD? Genius. I'm adding it to my amazon list right now.
Great work, super-mom! Looks like her birthday was delightful!

Rebecca said...

You win Mommy of the year. Greta looks fabulous as rapunzel! Can't believe she is 3. And I am so glad you made reference to your boobs, cause I was lookin.

Pam said...

Sweetest 3 year old and princess in the world! XOXO

Bob said...
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Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Aww Happy Birthday Greta! What a fun party, and I love all the princesses! I have to say... Oh my dosh is the cutest thing ever! It serious makes me happy! What a cute girl! :D