05 May, 2011


there is a family that needs your prayers...

the denny mack family.

denny lost his wife wendy and their unborn child maylee last saturday night. their 3 very young children are left without a mother.

this is devastating.



how do i know wendy? our parents are BFF's. when my parents moved to highland nearly 30 years ago they had no family here in utah and the kimball's became our family. every spring break and fall break was spent vacationing with the kimball and johnson family. wendy was older than me, closer to robyn's age. i haven't seen her in over 10 years but i remember everything about her... her curly hair, her beautiful smile, and her contagious giggle. some people leave a lasting impression, wendy was one of them. truly, she was beautiful inside and out.

fall break circa 1989
paige, robyn, wendy, brooke, me, jamie, and amber.

i cannot believe she is gone, a young mother.... a pregnant young mother. i can't make sense of it. i think about it all day. how could she be needed in heaven more than she was needed here?her sweet babies! how? how does a husband manage without the love of his life and his partner in parenting? how do her parents cope with the loss of their beautiful daughter? especially since they were on a mission in sierra leone at the time of her death? and what about maylee, the sweet little angel she was carrying? i just don't get it. i am heartbroken.

life is not fair.
and it can change in an instant.
cherish it.


melimba said...

and reading their blog with the post from her husband... oh my word.
so tragic.
you are right. everything can change in an instant.
lots of love to you and your family.
their sweet family will definitely be in our prayers.

Nicole said...

I read their blog yesterday - a friend of mine worked with Wendy. Needless to say I had a cryfest. Heartbreaking to read the words of her sweet adoring husband. We will definately be praying for this family.

Miss Bear said...

I cried for probably an hour last night! It is sad that it takes something like this happening for me to really stop and count my blessings. I need to remember to do that more often. Life isn't fair, and you often feel like it is way too hard. SO thankful that families are eternal.
Love, prayers sent your way and theirs.

Eileen said...

I can't remember being so sad in a long time. The funeral and viewing was so hard for me but I'm glad I went. I pray for them everyday. Sweet post Kennan.