06 June, 2011

ttt t-ball.

t-ball was over 2 weeks ago and here i am just now getting to documenting it. alls i can say is, 3 kids. anyway, t-ball went much smoother this time around than it did 2 years ago. i may have jumped the gun a little by putting jude in when he was only 3 but when baseball is the family sport, it's what you do! jude at 5 is a much better ball player (listening, patience, coordination, less clingy to mommie) and he officially LOVES baseball.

this year trevan put his coaches hat on for the first time as well. TURNS OUT, it was adorable. coach gregory.... love. jude also loved having trev as his coach and it was so cute to see them bond over baseball. trevan did well in his rookie year of coaching and i think that the fact that he never lost his cool on any of the 10 kiddies is a really good sign that there are years of baseball coaching ahead of him (secretly, i think its one of his favorite part of being a father of sons).

this is roen.
roen is my great friend amber's son. they live in a different city but we still signed them up to play baseball together. it's only right, seeing as i have been friends with amber and her family since i was 4. it was so fun to see our boys play together, and even more fun to laugh at coach gregory.

m' boys.

pretal the adorable spectator.

ezzie and yaya...
they never missed a game.

coach gregory.

go jude go!
note his face, he is such a side talker.

greta was busy brushing up on her cheerleading skillz this day... it's in her blood.
go highland bears circa 1994-97!

jude's grandma's and boy does he ever love them. really, he ADORES them and everytime he saw one of them walk up to his game he did a little dance.

t-ball 2011

until next spring...



Pam said...

BEYOND ADORABLE!! It all went by WAY too fast. Can't wait until next year...maybe a little bit less rain perhaps? XOXO

Rebecca said...

Way to go Jude and Trevan! Love the Highland Bears comment. Gteta makes a fabulous little cheerleader in her little outfits.