15 August, 2011

6 month review.

somehow, i think maybe while i was sleeping, ezra turned 6 months old.
why does this keep happening to us? 

 :: at 6 months ::

15.7 pounds
27 inches

the smiliest, supported sitting, nearly crawling, always standing, mama loving, most adorable baby boy, ever.

he's a keeper.

* images courtesy of the ever amazing, brooke


Eileen said...

Happy 6th month birthday to Ezzie, he is so cute. Love the bow tie. Cash was 11 months old yesterday, crazy!

andrea said...

for a no talent ass clown, these pictures are pretty darn amazing. Ezzie is the sweetest, most beautiful boy. Can I have him?

andrea said...

and P.S...the bow tie is the cutest thing I've ever seen. That is one thing I have never done. Gonna have to change that...

Anonymous said...

DANG....He's Cute!! XOXOXO

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

he was even cuter while taking these.

i think the blogging world needs to be aware this took a whopping 6 minutes to shoot. snap, snap, snap..
this boy does nothing but look cute and happy all the freaking time.

he is going to be one hell of a toddler.


Anonymous said...

Oh he is sooo cute!!!

melimba said...

okay, he is SO darling. I can't believe how much older he is!! cute cute cute.

Lucky to be the mom said...

Every picture I see of this little man I think the same thing: He is absolutely delicious! Enjoy that babe :)
Happy 1/2 birthday Mr. Ez!