02 August, 2011


 people have been telling me.... FEED THAT BABY FOOD!

is it horrible that i never ever want him to grow up? that i want to nurse him forever? that i want him to need just me forever?

i didn't think so either.

with my other kids it was like "4 months?!?!? let's eat solids!" and with ez it's more like "can't we wait until 8 months? no? okay, well, than at least 6 months?". so, after weeks of prodding from my mom and sisters {basties... sneaking him suckers and such} i finally fed my boy solids. what really put a nail in the coffin was when while we were eating dinner one night he was fussing, so i went to give him his binki and he started shaking, literally shaking, in excitment in thought of me giving him some real food. once he relized it was in fact a binki in his mouth and not some tasty delicious food, he was heart broken. so i caved.....

we started with the basics
we haven't looked back
ezzie and solids =  5 mo. 3 wk.

hims is 6 months old today.
more on that later.


Anonymous said...

He seems to be enjoying it....just a smidge! Thank YOU, Mommy! Too cute, as always! XO

andrea said...

He is absolutely, ridiculously and amazingly adorable. I can't even stand it.

P.S. I have laughed for days at your FOJ post. The no talent clown ass gets me everytime.

brooke c jackson said...

ugh. why do you even post pictures of him. it's embarrassing.

jk. get him in my belly.

brooke c jackson said...



Miss Bear said...

Yummy food and yummy baby!! :)