10 October, 2011

to the fair.

we went to the state fair
and in all fairness, 
its about time i post about the fair (1 month later).

i took SO many pictures so instead of lots of cute commentary, epic stories, and step by step details of our night, i will let the pictures speak for themselves... sort of.

ANTM cycle 37

my kids loved the pony rides...

minie? not so much.

daddies & daughters v1

daddies & daughters v2

i felt awkward having my doppelgänger there.

best besties ever.

dustin = the original bromance/trevan's missionary/our official third wheel for 3 years/great speller/ceo mba emtB/noBAMA/inappropriate/do-er/giver/perfect best friend/my sisters husband/good times

told you.
 git er' dun.


next time won't you join us?
at least, for lil' linda's sake?


bj+anne+brody+macie+lucy+ellie said...

your doppleganger joke is genius....I am still laughing out loud. love the pictures

Dustin Jackson said...

little linda <3

Pam said...

Sigh....I almost feel like I was there!