04 November, 2011


my jude.
my first born.
our little experiment.
he is 6 today.

and i can honestly say, he just keeps getting better and better.

happy birthday 
my ever so handsome, beautiful boy.


bj+anne+brody+macie+lucy+ellie said...

YOU HAVE A 6 YEAR OLD!!!! How weird is that. What a cutie-good work

Anonymous said...

Adore this little pirate. What will be his fasination next year I wonder. So grateful he is ours!!! XO

Beck said...

Kennan you make some seriously cute kids. And holy crap your old, TWENTY NINE???!! But you are one smokin hot lady if I do say so myself. Happy late birthday to you and Jude. By the way saw your gorgeous mother on Halloween and Brad and now I just need to see you. Its been way to long.

Miss Bear said...

I am only a few months from 30 {gasp!!} but 29 forever, right? ;)
Happy Birthday to you and your Jude! Hope you both had fabulous days!

Lucky to be the mom said...

Happy Birthday, Jude!
You probably don't know this, Jude, but my girls adore you! They think you're THE most handsome guy on my "blog checking" list. My oldest daughter (almost 20!) wants to name her first child Jude and hopes he'll be as handsome, adventurous and as amazing as you.
You're the Dude, Jude!
The Ferrins hope you're birthday was perfect :)
We love you, because I love your mum ;)

brooke c jackson said...


you are a national figure in our family. my girls pledge allegiance to YOU every day. but we were so happy to celebrate YOUR happy day with you.

judamakins, you will always be the son i never had. xoxo i love you, you big, crazy, weirdo boy!
