06 January, 2012



i am back.

did you know that its been a CRAZY past few weeks? well, it has.

my sweet grandma billie passed away on christmas eve. her death has really kind of thrown me off. i miss her... a lot. death and christmas don't mix.

i have a lot of updating to do, not that you care but i sure do. this little blog is my place to remember it all.

so here we are the week before christmas... busy, busy, busy.

 kids in dads pants... it happens.

  :: the annual williams family christmas party ::

  notice my dad. so perfect.
i look forward to this party every single year. growing up this party was always on christmas eve where we would progress from one of my dad's siblings house to another. i remember starting on captiol hill at my uncle jeff's house and then ending up at my grandma and grandpa's clear down in provo, always with a nativity scene played out by us kids. i remember the long drives between houses and listening to ray coniff and john denver and looking for santa's sleigh in the sky. my dad would always tell us we had to hurry home and into bed so santa could come. as the years went on our numbers got to big to "progress", families decided to have christmas eve to themselves but the tradition has kept up and although the party has changed the spirit of it has not. my kids, like me as a child, look forward to this party every year.

 greta's christmas dress 2011.... jcpenney. 
who knew, right?!?!

 the QUEEN's story teller

an enthralled mins and goob.

 jude looked cute in his christmas dud's too...

brooke asked me why he was was dressed like al borland.


 the queen's story teller and his adoring fans
alyssa, landon, greta, bella, minie, gabi, and judakins

my cousin mark's little boy.

ezzie was lucky enough to be the star of the show. 
he was a busy baby jesus.

 greta and jude were wisemen this year. greta was pissed about her casting. after seeing countless DVR'ed performances of the nutcracker she wanted to be a nutcracker (no, not clara). so we obliged and let her be a nutcracker wiseman. 3 weeks later, she talks about being a nutcracker in the nativity.


me and my baby.

:: temple square ::

the good news is that we choose the ONLY snowy night in december to go to temple square. fyi, our weather has been bonkers and super lame this year. we went with the g's and this year we had all of trevan's siblings in attendance, it was a first and it was fun. i married into z best family, ever... EVER.

 my poor kids... no love for them. OH and also, all of these boys are single (minus TedANTH... far rightt).

 newly engaged love birds.... the cutest.

 these SINGLE men are really good with kids and are real sharp dressers. 
*cam's christmas miracle aka his mustache has since been shaved.
 did you know i love my baby? he is the cat's pajamas.

 yaya and papa

 trevan and i knew our calculus...
u + me = us.

 jude has slowly left my wing and has crept on over to trevan's side. it breaks my heart, but only a little bit. they are best friends.

 stragely engouh, kid cudi was there too.... i mean landon.

 trevan consoling a heartbroken greta. how could yaya leave her? don't worry little grets, we met up with them for hot chocolate at mcd's and you felt much better.

:: williams sibling party ::

now, this party always consists of a little progressing from house to house. we had it all set up to have a mexican fiesta at my house, then nannies, and end up at brad's house but then we made an executive decision to bag it. given my grandma billie's fragile state and my mom's stress level of handling it all, we thought she should be with her and we kids could figure something else out. PLUS, my dad was out of town and brooke and dustin were in a the middle of a move. it was a good decision, seeing as my grandma passed away 2 days later. yikes.

we had dinner at la costa in american fork (not half bad) and then had dessert and present exchange at brad's house. oh, and BTW i think the waiter at la costa wanted to kill himself when he got our table with 7 kids under 6 and 6 adults. freak, i wanted to kill myself.

 jude and his harem of women, minus 2 ladies.

shit, he's cute.



our gracious hosts, brad and vanessa.
i know, i know, she's really ugly, get her off of the blog.

b & d burgers.

 cutest couple alert.


AubreyB said...

Love the update! Cutest christmas dress ever for Greta! Also, the kids in pants pics? I have one of me & Matt in these ginormous pants at Walmart (each of us in 1 leg), w/ Cohen as a baby in the middle of us. Right when my friend took the picture, Cohen kicked his legs straight out. Best pic ever, I'll have to share it w/ you when I get back to my computer & find it. :)

DibWoman said...

We SO miss you guys. Been thinking about you alot. Sending loves.

Codi said...

Yay for an update! We miss you guys!