27 February, 2012

i miss nursing.

i gave up nursing about 2 weeks ago and i regret it every.single.day.

i NEVER ever NEVER thought that i would be one to:

A: nurse
B: enjoy it
C: regret stopping.

i know that it was "time" but i don't feel like it was our time. i felt weird telling people i was nursing him still at his first birthday, and felt pressured that i should wean ASAP, so wean i did. no one in my circle nursed as long as i did so i felt that awkward explaining it. weaning him was simple enough, he was only nursing 3x a day and i just took a feeding away one at a time in within 2 weeks we were done. i should have trusted my gut when i felt we weren't ready and just carried on. it's not that weird to nurse past 1 year... i mean, in some countries it is recommended that you breastfeed until age 2 (a little awks).

things aren't the same with ezra anymore. i think he is mad at me, and i don't blame him. i mean, i am still #1 in his book and all but sometimes he seems mad. he will scratch or hit me, and i am pretty sure its out of frustration. (i mean, who wouldn't miss these juggz?!?)  i miss cuddling his little body and him being so content next to me. nowadays the minute i pick him up to snuggs he arches his little back and rolls off of me like its going out of style. i really, really miss that time i had with just him. i want to go back but i can't,  cause it's too late to 'pologize.

sorry ez.


Miss Gabe said...

Ohh Kennan, I hear you! Word for word my same thoughts and experience. I was in your place just one month ago.

The one thing that saved me, was finding something that could still bond us. I give her a sippy cup of vanilla almond milk at the times I would nurse her, sitting in the same nursing chair, etc. It's crazy how quickly that has become one of the moments I look forward to every day. That's not to say that I don't miss nursing, because by golly I do, but something is there to fill the void. The times she won't sit still whilst drinking, we watch videos of her on my iPhone so I can weasle some more cuddles.

May not be what works for you and your little man, but you'll find something!

Miss Bear said...

I miss it too! He was the one who gave up on it (at about 13 months)...so I guess it was time!!
But, I think you should be proud of yourself for going over 1!! I know people think it is crazy, but I think it is the best thing for you and for your babes! :)

Lucky to be the mom said...

:( this pretty much breaks my heart. I loved nursing. The norm was 18 months the longest was 2 1/2 years...(she had some digestive weakness and nursing her saved SO much grief)
I feel your pain.
I love that I love to nurse :) none of my sisters CAN nurse.
Bless little Ezzie. Bless you. On to a new chapter. Best wishes!

The Bartons said...

I don't feel your pain, I can't wait to stop nursing my little man! but unfortunately for me he is what we call a Boobaholic!! I can't even get him to take my milk in a bottle, its me, or nothing... so don't feel too bad, there are some of us that are extremely jealous of you right now!