i am not a morning person, never have been. in fact, growing up my family would draw straws to see who had to wake me up. not much has changed. we rise early here at the gregory household but most days we are in our pajamas until we leave the house, somedays that is not until 3 in the afternoon. i wouldn't say its because i am lazy, i think its more because i love pj babies. my kids are always more snugly while they are in the pajamas.
sunday morning we had a family lay in in our bed. its was delightful.

greta's hair is so amazing when she wakes up, it brings a tear to a glass eye.

grets has also found her nose and will show you it whenever you want.

since we have moved our bed under the window greta's standing skills have significantly improved.

oh, and jude was there too. it takes a lot of convincing to get him into our bed during the day. he knows not to get in bed with me because we wind of staying there way too long for his taste. when he wakes in the morning instead of coming into my room he goes down stairs to the couch and starts yelling for me instead. he knows me all too well.....
if only we had a bigger bed we really could have a lay in all day!
that would be my best day ever.....
Love it! I just love kid pj's anyways, they make them so darn cute. My kids wont lie in bed with me. They are ready for breakfast and ready to go outside the moment they get up. Its annoying! Hey, next time, get me on facebook when the girls are doing something! I didnt get your comment until after the fact...did you do something with Val and Andrea?
Oh, I'm so lovin' Greta's morning hair!!
And PJ's all day sounds like a fabulous idea to me! :)
She may have inherited that morning hair from Nannie and Granny Billie. She sports it much better than we do however. Love me a little PJ action as well! Too CUTE!!
i am loving the gretz and her nose.....can't wait to see that trick. i also love that Jude has you figured out. i wished that i had earlier. it was AWFUL to wake you up in the morning. i am going to try that when we go to jackson hole.
dude. enjoy it while you can!!!
Grets is beautiful. Truly, she is.
Cute kiddos. Babies in PJ's are too cute.
My sister-in-law's blog site is www.luvsandlife.com. check it.
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