happiest birthday wishes to the most beautiful woman i know....
my mom.

if i could grant my mother some birthday wishes they would go as follows....
-to have her health
- a cabin
- her baby to move back home
- a better husband (not a new one, just that the one that she has would change a bit.... or a lot)
- lots of laughter
- a vacation
- financial freedom
- and more grand babies to love

(that's my mom and her high school boyfriend darryl, turns out he would still like to marry her. he contacted her and told her that a few years back... kinda creepy)
happy birthday mom!
thanks for being everything
oh and check out her new blog here
It is lucky we got the best mom ever! Look how pretty she is. Happy Birthday mama!
Yay for mommy! Me love her AND her new blog.
Ps glad I made the wish list. I wish so too !!
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