23 August, 2010

jude does pre-school v2

it's been a long time coming, school that is. after last years horrific experience we needed to make sure we were all ready for school again. we sought out every pre-school in the valley, talked to many teachers, and settled on the summit academy in draper. i knew it was the school for us when the teacher lovingly told jude "if you cry, you still have to stay at school.".

after months of preparation and drive-by's, today jude started school.

jude was fine with the thought of going to school until this morning came. when i told him it was time to go and take some pictures, this is what happened. he screamed and yelled and cried, telling me he already knew enough and that he needed to stay at home with me and greta. he decided to run away. i tried to talk him down from his ledge but once he is up there you just have to let him go, for a minute. it was very upsetting for us both and i thought for sure that today we would have a repeat of last year.

however, greta was ready to get her picture taken.
she is so delectable.

greta was quite concerned about jude after he ran away down the street, so she followed suit.

jude calmed down enough to get in the car and we went to yaya's to pick up his 'books' he had made. lunch at mcdonalds is also another great way to soothe his soul, especially when they have new batman toys. after a quick healthy lunch, school could be discussed without tears. jude was finally ready.

batman + joker = a soothed jude malcolm

this is the best shot i could get and yes, we were in the mcdonald's parking lot. jude's pre-school requires a uniform, a hard pill to swallow. i love dressing my kids. it's a little vain, but it's my thing. i made sure his uniform was spiffy enough and of course found the cutest shoes to accompany his dull outfit. we won't lose him in those, or the other 3 pair he has.

jude handled drop off like a seasoned veteran. i think it helped that we waited in line and he saw other kids getting out of the their cars and playing. by the time it was our turn jude was already out the window banging on the door telling everyone "hi". his teacher opened the door and asked if he was ready for school and he nonchalantly answered "yeah. bye mom." and ran to meet his friends. as we drove off greta starting sobbing for her jude and i looked in my rear-view mirror to make sure jude was okay, he didn't even look back. i might have cried along with greta had i not been so relieved.

it was a long 3 hours and i sort of waited by the phone while gretsie napped thinking they may call, but they never did. greta was so excited when i woke her up and she was ready to get jude. as we waited our turn i watched patiently jude wait for us, he was the cutest kid there. then once we were in his view he made a mad dash for our car (which he got in trouble for). once he was in and buckled up he told me he had fun at school and wanted to go back tomorrow. he told me they read stories, colored, ate crackers, and played outside. i know jude, and all of those things would be included in favorite past times. i am so glad today is over, especially since i did today with trevan out of town. i just hope the rest of the school year goes as smoothly.

i am so proud of my boy, and by the way, he is so my boy.


melimba said...

Congratulations to ALL Y'ALL (i'm in texas and CAN say that)!

What a relief. Glad it turned out so well!

Pam said...

He looks SOOOO grown up! I love his little uniform and of course, his shoes outshine them all. I couldn't be prouder of him. I just knew he was going to do great. Onward and upward!!! XOXOXO

P.S. Ummmm...is Grets delicious or what?

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

jude. stop being so cute. minie doesn't even want to be friends anymore.

you AREN'T even her favorite person or anything.

greta... gross.

Bob said...

Dang, that preschool looks nice, much better than the basement school my kids go to...

Way to do Judith.

Rebecca said...

YEAH Jude! What a releif for you Kenny G. I love Jude's shoes, but when do I ever not love your kids clothes.
Where have you been. Let's get together ya ya ya.

Nate and Paige said...

bravo sir jude! so glad round 2 was an improvement. and if he didnt look so dashing in a school uniform i to would share your sadness about school clothes. but alas... he looks dashing! and i love those shoes, i'm calling nordstom and putting a pair for brig on hold for 3 years.

andrea said...

I don't know that I could do a uniform. Acutally I do know. I could not. That's how I know this must be a really good school. I am happy he did so well. Skylar is in third grade and I still wait by the phone most of the day...just in case.

Sister Judy said...

I have noticed from reading your blog and you fam's, that all the girls got married in August also. Is is a tradition to get married in August? I was wondering if they were trying to share your mom's wedding date. I myself got married the day before my parents anniversary. Just a little family connection.

Leslie said...

I'm loving Jude's school shoes. Very cute.