07 September, 2010


every once in a while a truly fantastic mother is born. you know, the kind that moves mountains? 56 years ago on this very day, my mom was born.

and i am so proud to be her daughter.

no one has made motherhood look more appealing than my mom. she raised us 6 kids with, what seemed like at the time, ease. i know now it was a balancing act and a lot of patience and love. not one of us are a like, some of us were "easier" and some of us were "harder" (myself falling into the latter category) to raise but none of us felt more loved or less loved. we were all her kids, her ducklings and she loved us all will all of her. my mom could have been anything and been really really good at it.s she is just that person, even now people are blown away by her capabilities. yet, she chose to be a mother at 19 and never, EVER looked back. i think that, that is something to be proud of. like my dad always says, pam is perfect.

thank you mom for being you, 100% of the time.


oh, and i remember, i have you reserved the first 2 weeks of february.


Darcie said...

It's been fun to work with your mom a little at Lifetree. She really is a sweet person! Happy Birthday to Pam!

Pam said...

Thank you, sweet daughter! You embellish it but just know that I will be there for you in February..come hell or high water. I love you! XOXOXO

Brooke and Dustin Jackson said...

i like this lady lots.

Lucky to be the mom said...

What a sweet tribute to your wonderful mother!
I'm so grateful to have had her tutelage! There are many things I do because I learned them from your mom. Potato salad and the way she fold bath towels come to mind at the moment :)
She's a blessed mother and grandmother!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I like her a lot.....Let's keep her.

Miss Gabe said...


First off, I am a big fan of that Pam!

Second off I am wayyyy late in the game but CONGRATS on baby tres!!! I will put your blog on my Google Reader this instant so I won't be months late commenting. (I know you have been waiting patiently.)

Third off, after reading your "name game" post I am freaking out because the name my little fetus has been called in secret for the past 12 weeks is Penny short for Penelope and after seeing TWO people say they like it of the 25 comments I'm feeling the panic. You will not be getting any ideas from me, due to the fact that I'm now feeling the pressure to go back to the drawing board.

Lots of love!!