17 September, 2010

t-minus 6 days.

did you know that i get to know who my baby is in less than a week? first off, i can't believe i am nearly 20 weeks pregnant.... it has FLOWN by. secondly, i don't feel like i know this little one that flutters in my belly all day long. are you a baby a boy or a girl, are you both? really? i have no idea, not one hankerin'. with jude i knew he was a boy and with gretsie i knew she was a girl. this one gives out no vibes, just love. this baby kind of feels like a stranger. however, i know the second i see its little profile i will know exactly who this stranger is. its #3 and i love it.

OH, and remember the name game? i guess i will tell you my names. at least the one i can remember, my memory is shot with this baby. that way when i hear someone else name their child one of my names, i will get credit. as if you are waiting.... lol.





so there they are. maybe unconventional, maybe ugly... i love them. i get raised eyebrows a lot when i tell people the names i like. they are definitly not for everyone.

oh well, if you think my kids names are ugly at least we know my kids themselves are beautiful.
so beautiful.

p.s. i am entirely to tired to be a mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend to keep this blog updated frequently. hope you still love me and my hot pregnant body.


Pam said...

Counting the days with you. Can't wait to find out who is joining our ranks. And whatever you name this little one, we will adore it! XO

Sorensen Family said...

I like Ivy and Nash. I know a little Nash and he is a cutie. I hope your belly is growing big and you are feeling okay! Cant wait to find out that it isnt a troll!

Sarah Hunt said...

stranger here. I didn't even read this entire post all I saw was that Isla was your number one girls name. I kinda freaked out a little bit. That is mine as well oh and I really love LOVE the name Jude but I agree with one of your posts a couple posts back. WHEN ON EARTH DID IT GET SO POPULAR? go figure utah. but hey lets say a little prayer that Isla doesn't become popular. yeah? but now that it is posted on your blog ...there can be no guarantees. I prob won't have any girls to grace that lovely name with anyway but hey lets pray.

ryan + carly said...

ok can i just say damn it. no seriously. i can't explain to you how we seem to have very similar personalities and yet, we have never met!! i had zero idea you named your son jude when i decided to name mine jude. in fact, i had zero idea you had a son! and then...ezra is one of my top boy names. you really piss me off! (that is a joke...sort of) but luckily none of the other names are similar. i have a girl's name i like that starts with g and i refuse to use it because i feel like i'm a big copy cat!!! anyhow, all of your names are perfect and i die every time i see your blog updated and having some same opinion as me or loving something that i love. seriously kennan. i love you because you must be awesome (really, i am awesome, ha) but i slightly hate you for being so similarly awesome!!! too much to say on someone's blog comment?? sawwwwry.

Kami Satterlee said...

I love them all but Isla is so close to my heart:) I think it's beautiful and if my hubby would have let me, and if Kamden was a girl, she would have been Isla. So excited for you!

Heather said...

Will you please text me and let me know what you are having?? I am SUPER excited for you!!!

Mateah said...

very different but i love them!

Cameron said...

I wash myself with a luka. Thats nice!!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what Cameron meant by their post, but it made me snort laugh. Welcome back. All of us anonymous blog stalkers missed you. All the best to you and your beautiful, original names. Who cares what anyone else thinks, yes?

Eileen said...

I am sooo excited to find out if you having a boy or girl!

Rebecca said...

Cant wait to find out what your little bundle is!! I love all of your names. Thanks for being original I am so not. I love you and your unborn baby that will have a beautiful name.

Jillian said...

I think you're having a girl...maybe it's because I'm having a girl or everyone else I know is having a girl, but that's my vote. Guess we'll see! So exciting!

Also, they're YOUR children, you get to name them whatever you damn well please! And I think Ivy is adorable!

Miss Bear said...

I love your names...always do! Ezra is one of my favorites!
Whichever name you choose for your little mister or miss will be perfecto!

Heather Lee said...

pretty names. We're especially n'sync with the boys list. My husband was less than convinced when I approached him with a very similar list. Whatever.
My sister used Anders and Ezra. I think they are suuuper cute. I especially love Anders. Bc I have a brother named Andy and it would have kind of been like I named him after my brother.
I also like the name Millie. I'm not sure why? It does kind of go with your girl choices. Like Mila?

Heather Lee said...

ps, how supportive of your mom to love whatever name you choose. Graham was named Gray for a few days, and my mom crinkled her nose up everytime she heard it. I kind of felt like if we kept it, she wouldn't like him as much.

Anonymous said...

I love Anders and Isla, would you say it eye-la or eesla I have heard both. Other names I think you might like based on your list



All names are on my list. I like old fashion, more obscure names. You seem to as well!!

Looking forward to seeing if it is a boy or girl

Anonymous said...

Oh and Gideon and Liesel!!

Anonymous said...

Loving Nash

Tiffany said...

ooh - I love Nash as well! Great names and congrats on the baby boy news!