02 November, 2010


did you know that i turned 28 on 10/28? well, i did. did you know that i have been waiting for my golden birthday since i found out what they were in 1st grade? well, i have been. AND it did not disappoint.

trevan took the day off and we had a gay old time... which included a late breakfast, a visit from brooke and the girls (whilst in my robe... a vision in its self), lunch with yaya at cafe rio, a doodle (nap), and dinner with mi familia at cheesecake factory at which point i was spoiled rotten.

a much better birthday than last years disaster... OH, and yes i am willing to acknowledge that i am sort of a baby about my birthday. i really can't help it because my mom made birthdays a REALLY big deal growing up and i in turn make birthday a big deal (not just my own). trevan never refrains from reminding me of what a baby i am about my birthday. that being said, i don't need everyone to drop everything and celebrate me on my birthday... just him. luckily for both of us, he did exactly that this year. good on you, senor.

and well done on my golden present for my golden birthday.

looking forward to my 28th year and all that it bring with it, especially my new baby boy.

1 comment:

Pam said...

You, my girl, are golden and so will this year be! XOXO