02 November, 2010

a weekend of halloween

was your halloween week as long as mine? probably. i don't know if its because we have been halloweening since sept. 1st or if its because i am 26 weeks pregnant. either it was long and drawn out, mixed with the sheer joy of watching my kiddies.

jude's halloween parade

jude as raphael. (date purchased: sept. 3rd)
what you are not seeing is his karate kick mid-parade that brought the audience to tears.

greta was ready for some rug time with jude at school, really we couldn't get her off the rug.

the first of many halloween poses

sunrise assisting living trick-or-treating

poor grannie billie has a slight case of alzheimer's and did not remember that she had okayed ll of us coming to her place for their halloween celebration. when my parents got there, they found that she had locked herself in her room with all the madness and only answered the door after some serious pounding that could surly not be children trick-or-treating. when my mom reminded her that we were all coming she was a little upset but went with the flow after my mom talked her down. it was sort of hilarious, she was going to make my mom sit at her door and hand out candy. when my mom insisted that grannie did participate and hand out her own candy, she settled down and i think enjoyed herself. how could she not? she has some damn cute great-grandkids.

pose 2.

greta as barbie from toy story 3.

keep in mind i had lots of really cute ideas for costumes for gaga but her only reply was "NO, baabee!". who can say no to her? surly, i cannot. most people though she was jane fonda or some shiz. ummm, live in the now people.

see? the resemblance sends shivers down grown men's spines.

greta was ready for some trick-or-treatin', especially when she found her pal buzz and woody were there. there are no such things as strangers when toy story is involved.

this poor old lady caught greta's eye and greta would not leave her alone. i am not sure whether this lady was 'half a bubble off' or just too nice to tell greta to go away after her 6th time back asking for candy. either way, it was adorable.

STOP THE PRESS... my dad was at a family event that A. was not at his own home and B. that involved both grandma billie and the grandkids. yes, robyn it's true and i had document this. also, does it not look like he himself would fit right in @ sunrise? with the black church sock and ghostly white old man leg, i am surpised he wasn't asked to sit by a door and hand out candy.

i love that dad of mine.

nothing done with the gregory's and the jackon's is complete without a greta and poppy fight. dustin is sure its always greta's doing but i've seen poppy regulate. (note: do not try to take anyone's but poppy's side around papa bear dustin) brooke and i just laugh at their adorable attitudes, because after all, sometimes best friends fight.


my kids with their people, yaya and papa.

i feel really bad because we had to tell trevan's parents to come to our house this year. at this point, halloween is pretty complicated and we are beyond the point of visiting grandparents. still, i felt bad. they are the best grandparents ever because they didn't even bat an eye and were hear in a heartbeat. yaya even helped me vacuum while i dressed my kiddies... i told you, they are kind of the best.

we have started a tradition of having the jackson's over on halloween. the kids roam the streets of white city begging for candy and then we come home to a warm fire and dine on pumpkin faced pizza's. so far, it's a really nice tradition. also, this year, since we were not traveling to grandparents, my mom and dad joined us. my mom is da best, nuff said. we even got to see moey and ted too. it was a swell night spent together.

stud muff & barbs
(with the addition of the turtleneck under greta's spandex body suit she kind of turned into a female body builder, which also hot in its own way)

pose 3.

greta and poptart.
see? they are best friends... that is until a toy comes between them.

minsie and jude.
the look on minie's face perfectly explains their relationship, adoration and it goes both ways. from the moment minie arrived on this earth she had a best friend.

barbie butt.

pose 4.

it was preezing cold outside and the kids all took turns snuggling their daddie's to keep warm. they had a bawl. minie and jude scared people by saying "BOO!" in a variety of voice instead of saying "trick-or-treat" and it was received well. we all made it home with enough candy to last until christmas.

it was delightful, even for my fat pregnant butt.

happy halloween.

argh... now i have to de-decorate. the WORST.


Eileen said...

Loved all the pictures, you have adorable children. Can't wait to meet #3!!!!

Pam said...

Best documentation yet! XO

DibWoman said...

Did you make Barbie's (Grets) costume? Why didn't you make you a matching one? Preggers Barbie. Would loved to have seen that!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

Giggled through this whole post. Love it. Love your kids. Dad DOES belong at sunrise. FuNNy!

Ashlee said...

Thanks for the good laugh Kennan! It just kept getting better and better! Wow!Your kids are so dang cute! And you are hilarious! They are lucky to have you as their Mommy!

Anonymous said...

i want that!!... were did you buy the leotarg... what store? ... THANKS really appreciate.