04 November, 2010

jude is 5

jude malcolm gregory
7.7 lbs. 21 in.

my first born.
my son.
my jude.

this was the first time i met him... right after they wheeled me out of recovery. i was in awe, he was mine. i saw his little elf like face and i knew that instant he was ours and i would adore him forever. five years later, i still feel the exact same way every time i see that precious, perfectly imperfect face. i am the luckiest mom in the world, i get to have jude.

i was made to love him.

and so was his (14 year old) dad.

what a proud papa jude has made him. trevan may have been skeptical about parenthood so early in our marriage but the minute jude was placed in his arms he was transformed... into a father, a role he was born to do.

happy BIRTHday jude.
i will celebrate you forever.


DibWoman said...

Jude is the best! Happy Birthday strong man. Hope you have a great day! Luvs to you all! The Arizona Dibbles

AubreyB said...

For a second there I freaked out because I thought you had just had your baby 3 months early. And then my brain caught up to me. :) Happy Birthday Jude!

Eileen said...

I can't believe Jude is five! Have a fun day celebrating with your boy!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jude.. We will give you a big hug next week. Have a fun birthday and grandma Polly has gift for you.


Uncle Scott, Aunt Dina and the girls...

Miss Bear said...

Happy Birthday Jude! What a fabulous little man you are! Have an awesome day!!

Ashlee said...

So sweet! That instant rush of love when you see your baby for the 1st time! It's Amazing!

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

I love him....even if he and Gil might end up in prison with all the mischief those two can create! I am so glad he was born. He was then most darling elfish baby. Happy Birthday little man!

Pam said...

Amazing...in every way! So proud to call him ours. Love him and all his collections. He is a rock star!! XOXO

Rebecca said...

Jude happy freakin 5th Birthday!! Live it up 5 is awesome! Kennan enjoy I feel like 5 is a magical age. Can you believe you have a 5 year old. and holy crap he was a cute baby I forgot how cute! Miss you.

Nate and Paige said...

i remember his birth like it was yesterday! such a cute little man. one in a gazillion that one! happy birthday judey love love you!