06 November, 2010

a jude party


i am still recovering from jude's birthday. as i have said before, birthdays are a big deal in my book. never the less, it was a birthday for the books.

jude woke up at 7:00am ready to open presents. he was up 3 times in the middle of the night mumbling tings about his birthday. jude has never been more excited. he was a very patient boy because i made him wait until 8:15 to open presents so greta could get a little extra shut eye on our big day.

jude loves himself a little toy story 3 and imaginext never disappoints.

later that same day (it felt so much later, 7:00am is not our normal wake up time) we went to mcdonalds with some friends for a b-day party. i have also said before that the birthday parties at mcdonalds are the best and most affordable thing ever. we love mcdonalds, even if our favorite city does not.

some of the birthday party crew. in attendence this year were: roen, milo, lucy, cohen, eden, minie, poppy, and of course greta.

ich liebe dich.

jude and roen... carrying on the williams/holmstead best friend tradition.

have you ever seen a cuter boy? debatable.

yaya and momo were REALLY lucky this year because they got a specific invitation to jude's mcdonalds party... landy came and that was just icing on the cake for jude. turns out they were celebrities for the 5 and under crowd. also, when morgan walked in lucy wanted to know who that princess was. lol.


we had had a party planned at our house that evening but the day before his birthday jude told me he wanted to go somewhere else, like rock creek or something. he did not want me to take down halloween before his birthday and i concurred. so rock creek it was... and it was delicious.

a big crowd for a big party for a big jude

my 2 favorite men and my all time favorite red head.

our peeps.

jude and hims star wars legos. he got 2 more sets for his birthday and he is thrilled to the gills. notice the age on the box? well, between he and trevan they meet @ 12, perfect.

there was a mean game of star wars 'pin the tail', always hilarious.

you know what they say about women and desserts? well, its true.

gabi and bella took down the ice cream like it was going out of style.

greta preferred the icing.

jude loves his dad so much, especially when he puts together lego's with him. don't worry because the lego building is still going on this morning. it's pretty cute that trevan is as into it as jude.

jude has told me since that i am the best momma. i will throw him a party everyday if i could make him feel that way forever.



Rebecca said...

Oh goodness that last picture of Jude is simply amazing.
Can you throw my next birthday party pulease!!

Pam said...

Celebrating in true Williams fashion! You go girl...this boy is worthy of at least three parties and maybe more. Love him!! XOXO

Heather Lee said...

OK, you must be feeling better, because this post and your Halloween post had me laughing the ENTIRE time.
Happy Birthday Jude! I loved your Halloween poses #1-101. You make Halloween so fun.
I love that Dustin is the "papa" bear.
And I for one, am glad that your Dad attended that event.

Heather Lee said...

oh my gosh, and how could I leave out Baabee. So adorable. I like the resemblence to Jane. She was my idol all growing up. I religiously worked out to her videos. On my oversized pillow...that was my workout mat.