20 December, 2010

christmas @ preschool

i have been anxiously awaiting this moment...

the moment where i get to be proud as punch to be a parent at a school function. i was smiling from ear to ear in friday at jude's christmas program, my heart swelling with pride. jude melted my heart, that kid loves an audience.... combine that with singing and christmas and its a match made in heaven.

in a short 15 minute period, jude's preschool class sang 6 songs and recited 2 poems. i could not believe how well jude knew all the songs. you should hear him sing 'the dradle song', i swear you would think he was jewish. turns out they have been working on the songs since the first of november but jude kept most of them to himself to suprise us, or so he says. he is so adorable.

BRAVO sir jude!

as soon as the program was over santa came to see the kids (for $190 bucks a month, santa damn well better be there!). most of the kids shouted out in glee but jude was a little more apprehensive. i think he was trying to gauge the authenticity of santa. after a few seconds of examination, jude determined him fit to be santa and got in line with the rest of his class mates to sit on santa's lap.

it's a good thing jude warmed up to santa because this jolly old santa let jude sit on his lap for a good long time and the two gossiped about christmas doings, pretty sure jude knows more about the holiday than santa himself. jude told me after that we needed to be sure to leave out chocolate chip cookies for santa because those are his favorite. jude also told me santa said that he was in fact on the nice list. duh, jude!

miss pretal.... she wants to go to school with jude with every ounce of her little being. so, as you can imagine, jude's christmas program was more than life changing for her. to say she LOVED it would be an understatement. she and jude are 2 peas in a pod... it helps when you have the best big brother in the world who insists on getting an extra candy cane from santa for his little sister.

miss jennifer and jude.
miss jennifer embodies everything you could possibly want or imagine in a preschool teacher. i love her, and so does jude.

only the grandma's made it out to jude's preschool concert but the love these 2 lovelies bring with them is like having everyone you know and love there with you. i dare say that perhaps they are the best grandma's ever.

last but not least... our family of 4+.
we are cute.

i can't wait for at least 12 more years of christmas programs. being a mom is the cat's pajamas.... most of the time.


Pam said...

Nothing short of amazing! So glad I got to be there!! XOXO

melimba said...

look how happy you all are in that last one?! love it.

DibWoman said...

I so wish I could have come! Love your whole family and I am homesick for you all. Hugs to everyone, please. Merry Christmas.

Codi said...

Looks like quite the showman! And of course he's the best dressed!

LOVE Greta's curls.

Yes, yes you are all cute!

Rebecca said...

Jude so handsome! I am sure he got his performing skills from hims Mam.
Greta's hair looks sooooo cute it is getting long, and her curls are beautiful.
And you are looking pretty fly too. I love your hair.
Trevan looking good like always

Miss Bear said...

That boy has skills is all areas Christmas! :) (and beyond of course!)
Love it!!

bj+anne+brody+macie+lucy+ellie said...

Your family is beautiful...and does Trevan know that you are gorgeous? you should tell him.

Mel said...

Hey, you were supposed to be there last night!?!? I'm pregnant too you know (and I was there)! Well, I hope you went to bed early and put that time to good use. At least Brooke was there and I felt like you were half there.