08 December, 2010

hauling out the holly.

when your son is bound to be the next HGTV star, you can bet your house is fully decorated for christmas before the first snow falls. i think i have mentioned it once or twice before but jude LOVES holidays. he's a little OCD and although his love for holidays is cute, sometimes it drives me insane. like the fact that he is de-decorated our tree 3x in order to decorate the family room to his liking. trevan use to complain about my holiday decor demands, now he knows how good he had it, jude is a slave driver. oh, how i love our little elf. he's crazy and i think all he wants for christmas is money so he can buy all the "blow-ups" and ornaments he could ever imagine. freak.

our tree in its new location....
where all trees should, in front of the window.

pretal has learned from the best (ie. jude) and is equally as thrilled about christmas.

see? i am not exaggerating.

oh, and yes she still totally edible.
greta should be on everyone's christmas list.


we have a busy week of christmasing ahead of us so maybe you will get a few more updates, maybe. don't you judge me.


Miss Bear said...

Jude's grin??? Priceless!!! Everyone should feel the Christmas spirit like that little man!!!
He would be thrilled with our neighbors down the street...they have 20 (yes 20) blow ups in their tiny front yard. It is fabulous! :)

Pam said...

Seriously, this boy is the Christmas spirit personified! You people need to just get on board! Greta is a believer but Trev....not so much! Love those two cuties. XOXO

Rebecca said...

Oh my EXCITEMENT a little bit. Jude can barely hold it in. I love him make, him come decorate my house cause I suck.
And call me so I can tell you how FLIPPIN mad I am that you weren't at our party. I just missed you so much.
We even did kareoke and this time I did not do envogue, and I did not nearly wet myself. Now come give me a hug and say sorry.